A graphic with "Welcome" written in 21 different languages

Changes by ITS for Fall Term, 2020

Welcome to Fall, 2020!  ITS has been hard at work this summer to make your start to the year as safe and easy as possible. While many of our service operations have changed due to COVID-19, we remain committed to … Continue reading Changes by ITS for Fall Term, 2020

Topographic Map of Swarthmore College

The Science of Where: ArcGIS updates

You may have seen the data-rich maps produced through Johns Hopkins Univeristy about the spread of COVID-19 ( https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/us-map ), or maybe you’ve seen the Yale Climate Opinion Maps ( https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/visualizations-data/ycom-us/ ) or COVID response opinion maps (https://covid.yale.edu/innovation/mapping/). At ESRI’s … Continue reading The Science of Where: ArcGIS updates