Unlock the power of meaningful links

Most users visually scan links on a page, keyboard users use the tab key to jump from link to link, and screen readers can listen to a list of links on a page. WCAG 2.1 provide guidance for links that emphasize clarity, accessibility, and user-friendliness. They include: Clear and Descriptive Text: Use link text that tells users where the link leads. Ensure link text is distinct from other link text on page. Avoid vague phrases like “click here” or “read more.” Visual Distinction: Links need to look different from regular text so they catch your eye. Keep color perception differences … Continue reading Unlock the power of meaningful links

Crafting Accessible Digital Signage: A Guide for Inclusive Communication

In the bustling world of digital communication, grabbing and retaining attention is no easy feat. This rings particularly true for digital signage, where viewers are bombarded with information and have only fleeting moments to absorb messages. The critical message for … Continue reading Crafting Accessible Digital Signage: A Guide for Inclusive Communication