Lists in Adobe InDesign
Bulleted or numbered lists It’s easy to create basic lists in Adobe InDesign. Simply highlight a section of text and select the Bullets icon or the Numbers icon in the Bullets And Numbering dialog box, the Paragraph panel, or the … Continue reading Lists in Adobe InDesign

Open OnDemand: A Web Gateway to Firebird
We all know what FOMO is, but have you heard of FOCL: Fear of the Command Line? OK, maybe I made that up, but many who might want to take advantage of high-performance computing resources, such as Firebird, are deterred … Continue reading Open OnDemand: A Web Gateway to Firebird

Think Posit-ively about running R code
For many years, ITS has hosted an RStudio Server to support faculty and students in running R code directly from web browsers. This platform has enabled easy access to RStudio from any device. Over the next few months, we will … Continue reading Think Posit-ively about running R code

Getting Your Moodle Course Ready For the Beginning Of The Semester
We’re excited to welcome you back for another semester! As you gear up for the spring semester, the Academic Technology team is here to help you create an engaging semester for your students. Be sure to check out our latest … Continue reading Getting Your Moodle Course Ready For the Beginning Of The Semester

Changing how to create Turnitin assignments in Moodle
Quite a few faculty use the Turnitin service to check for student plagiarism in the assigments they submit through Moodle. In order to keep our systems up-to-date and as secure as possible. Effective today, January 13th, we are switching to … Continue reading Changing how to create Turnitin assignments in Moodle

Behind the Scenes – Remarkable Progress in Accessible Course Materials
Our faculty and staff have made remarkable progress in improving the accessibility of course materials since prioritizing digital accessibility in 2016. A pivotal tool in this journey has been the Accessibility Filescan, developed by Swarthmore ITS and introduced in Fall … Continue reading Behind the Scenes – Remarkable Progress in Accessible Course Materials