Adobe Premiere interface with blurring box featured

Blurring Objects and Text in Your Instructional Videos With Adobe Premiere

Many of you have used screen capturing tools such as Quicktime, Camtasia or Snagit to record instructional videos to share within your classes or to provide information to the Swarthmore community. However, you may find that you have inadvertently captured … Continue reading Blurring Objects and Text in Your Instructional Videos With Adobe Premiere

Collaborative Projects, Remotely

Whether a student or a professor, you might be considering how to create and evaluate final projects in a remote setting. Transitioning from lectures and seminars to distilling information into posters, infographics, podcasts and video essays brings a new set … Continue reading Collaborative Projects, Remotely

A view of Clothier Hall across Parrish Beach with three Adirondack chairs visible, one of them being the "Big Chair" built by Jake Beckman '04

Resources For A Mostly-Remote Swarthmore

After President Smith announced Swarthmore’s remote stance for the rest of the semester, we have watched our community rally quickly to move to an almost-entirely remote stance. We are so appreciative of all of the folks who have worked to … Continue reading Resources For A Mostly-Remote Swarthmore