Teaching with OneNote
Microsoft OneNote is a note-taking application that can be used on a computer, tablet, or via a web browser. It has a variety of features which make it helpful for teaching, whether in a classroom or remotely. Continue reading Teaching with OneNote
Making the Most of Simple Video Equipment
Suppose two people each set out to build traditional doghouses. One is an experienced woodworker, the other a hobbyist getting into woodcraft for the first time. Excited by a new project, the hobbyist purchases the best wood money can buy… … Continue reading Making the Most of Simple Video Equipment
Screen Capture, Annotation & Video Slideshows Made Easy
Lots of folks have been looking for easy ways to create screen captures and quickly edit videos. Here’s a short list of software to help accomplish those tasks. Still Screen Capture and AnnotationGrab aka Screenshot – The name varies depending … Continue reading Screen Capture, Annotation & Video Slideshows Made Easy
Eric Jensen’s Electronic Grading Workflow
Astronomy Professor Eric Jensen has been collecting assignments electronically using Moodle, grading them on his iPad, and returning the documents to students in Moodle. He made a helpful screencast showing his paperless workflow, including all the details on each step … Continue reading Eric Jensen’s Electronic Grading Workflow
The Reason Behind Zoom Fatigue
Recently I came across an article on bbc.com entitled, “The reason Zoom calls drain your energy.” The article explained the reason why many of us are experiencing what is known as Zoom fatigue. Zoom and other web conferencing services have … Continue reading The Reason Behind Zoom Fatigue
Quick Screen Captures with Snagit
When you need to quickly capture your screen, including capturing all of a long or wide web page, or create a short video, or even convert a short video into an animated GIF without a lot of fuss, then Snagit … Continue reading Quick Screen Captures with Snagit