Your phone & voicemail web portal, learn what you can do

Did you know your phone and voicemail have web portals? Anyone assigned a phone extension can manage their Cisco phone and voicemail through a web portal, using their Swarthmore credentials. Shared phone extensions and extensions assigned to a department, do not have web portals. The Cisco Self Care Portal allows you to manage various phone features, like Call Forwarding (for any extension on your phone), Speed and Abbreviated Dials, Call History, and updating the phone’s location (description). From off-campus, you’ll need to connect to VPN, before going to the Self Care Portal web page. Note: the first time you connect … Continue reading Your phone & voicemail web portal, learn what you can do

Mozilla Firefox to get page translation feature

If you’re a Google Chrome user, you may have noticed this option if there happens to be foreign text on the page you are visiting. One of the nice and distinguishing features about Chrome is its ability to translate a web page for its user, with fairly good accuracy. This feature is soon coming to Mozilla Firefox, and is looking to be a pretty big deal. Developers at Mozilla have been working on page translation into their browser, but  it differs from Chrome’s implementation in that the translations will be computed locally, with no need to rely on an internet … Continue reading Mozilla Firefox to get page translation feature