Create Your Own Website for Field Research, a Professional CV, Course Projects, an E-Portfolio, and More

ITS is piloting a new initiative called Domain of One’s Own, sometimes referred to as DoOO. This new service allows faculty to claim a free domain name (web address) and start building a website that is uniquely their own. You … Continue reading Create Your Own Website for Field Research, a Professional CV, Course Projects, an E-Portfolio, and More

Laptop computer sitting on a beach

Be the Envy of Your Colleagues With These Amazing Summer Research Resources from ITS!

As the Spring 2021 semester rolls to a close, ITS is gearing up to support summer research. Whether you are a professor or student, we are here to support your work. Documentation Keeping a log, journal, or record of your … Continue reading Be the Envy of Your Colleagues With These Amazing Summer Research Resources from ITS!

photo of a computer on fire

Need power? Here is what’s going on with supercomputing this summer.

Are your research computing demands overwhelming your computer? Symptoms may include deafening fan noise, overheating, and system slugishness while your code runs in the background. If so, Swarthmore ITS has you covered with high performance computing resources and training. Strelka … Continue reading Need power? Here is what’s going on with supercomputing this summer.