A graphic with "Welcome" written in 21 different languages

Changes by ITS for Fall Term, 2021

Welcome, friends.  We wanted to acknowledge the various ways our lives have been changed by COVID-19, and to share the ways ITS has changed in order to best meet the changing needs of our campus community.   We want to acknowledge … Continue reading Changes by ITS for Fall Term, 2021

Importing your J-Term 2021 Course into your Calendar

Did you know that you can add your J-Term class sessions to your Google Calendar automatically? ITS built a tool to search for and download iCal files for the current semester. Here’s how to download and import your course’s iCal file. Head over to the course search tool at https://swarthmore.github.io/course2ics-parser/ Begin searching for your course’s name. Click on your course to download its iCal file. It will be downloaded as an .ics file. Head over to https://calendar.google.com/ and log in. Click on the ⚙ (cog) icon in the main app bar , then click settings. Click on Import & Export … Continue reading Importing your J-Term 2021 Course into your Calendar