No Less Than I Expected…

…but when my daughter insisted that we try a “Wonka” candy today (we haven’t read the book aloud, but I’ve given her the bare outlines of the story, as the commercials for the Burton-Depp version have caught her eye), it was painfully, hopelessly ordinary. Basically a giant Pez: chalk with sugar and coloring.

I know there’s been a “Wonka” brand around for a while, but I think it does take a peculiarly soulless marketing sensibility to say, “Hey, let’s buy the license to Wonka and just put out some ordinary candy shit!”

In the real world, Ficklegruber bought out Wonka.

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2 Responses to No Less Than I Expected…

  1. Joey Headset says:

    Wonka’s Nerds are pretty cool. You get two flavors with every pack!

  2. mrscoulter says:

    I used to like the Everlasting Gobstoppers. When I was a little kid, they were huge jawbreakers that came two to a cellophane pack at the corner store. Then they made them smaller and packaged them in boxes of a couple dozen. They changed colors and flavors several times on the way…

    But I was sorely disappointed that the overall Wonka brand did not live up to the promise…

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