A graphic with "Welcome" written in 21 different languages

Changes by ITS for Fall Term, 2020

Welcome to Fall, 2020!  ITS has been hard at work this summer to make your start to the year as safe and easy as possible. While many of our service operations have changed due to COVID-19, we remain committed to … Continue reading Changes by ITS for Fall Term, 2020

SPEED 2019 Projects

An intrepid and diverse group of students successfully took on a number of Summer Projects for Educational E-Development, working with faculty and staff to the benefit of the campus community.  Alice Huang, Bilal Soukouna, Helen Huh,Katherine Knox and Steven Fernandez met with Librarians, … Continue reading SPEED 2019 Projects

Makerspace Made Grad School Possible: Interview with Tracy Tang

  The Beardsley MakerSpace is a welcome resource for students, faculty and staff who are eager to create and realize their ideas physically. MakerSpace Manager Russell Prigodich and the Academic Techology team are ready to help you realize your ideas in … Continue reading Makerspace Made Grad School Possible: Interview with Tracy Tang