Why Judith Butler is Overrated

One of many reasons why Judith Butler is grossly overrated: Here’s a passage from her new book Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly, followed by 2 brief comments of mine, one a translation of Butler-ese into regular English. Overall, she’s trying (and failing) to shape a theory of collective action.

“[W]hen bodies assemble [in] public space (including virtual ones) they are exercising a plural and performative right to appear … that asserts and instates the body in the modes of the political field [to deliver] a bodily demand for a more livable set of economic, social, and political conditions no longer afflicted by induced forms of precarity” [the latter’s a word meaning in a continually ‘precarious’ position due to economic, social, and political conditions. I’m not criticizing Butler’s use of this word].

a) translation: “when bodies assemble they are protesting being hurt and are demanding change.” To which i would add, “well, duh.”

b) this “theory” applies equally to a Donald Trump rally (at least, as its participants perceive it) as to a Take Back the Night rally in support of rape victims. Therefore how is this “insight” at all useful, other than allowing people who read this kind of prose to feel they are theorizing (from a safe distance) support for activists elsewhere?

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