“Open Carry” Dildo Protest over Concealed Carry Gun Law, UT Austin

In August 2015 UT Austin student Jessica Jin organized a satiric “open carry dildo” protest. It was open to male and female students, UT employees, alums and any others. The protest targeted a new law (Senate Bill 11, signed by the Texas governor) authorizing UT students who have a permit to carry concealed weapons on most areas of campus, beginning in August 2016. Hundreds of protestors signed up and participated, walking around campus with dildos hanging from their belts or sticking out of their backpacks #CocksNotGlocks Campus (DILDO) Carry Facebook Group.

However, check out the comments section to this October 10, 2015, Houston Chronicle article covering the event and its aftermath. Would #malehysteria be too strong a tag for many comments? It’s not just that lots of comments boast that their gun will be stronger than any, um, dildo. It’s also that the Chronicle website will allow the nefarious word “dildo” in its article but NOT in the online comments section. The newspaper tries to protect its readers, conceal-carrying the dangerous word. So it is that we read pro-gun and anti-women rants filled with d****o or even strings of *****, sort of like bullet-holes I guess. #AmericanGunhoodAtWork

PS: in the illustration accompanying the Houston Chronicle article, note the red tip of the damnable protest weapon poking out of the student’s backpack.

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