PDF Accessibility Checker Announced

Swarthmore College ITS has completed preliminary work on software to check PDF files for accessibility across many campus systems.  The software examines PDF files to look for readable text as well as title, language, and outline metadata which indicates how easy it is to access the contents of the file.  We’ve also written a Moodle plugin to provide information to faculty on the accessibility of all the PDF files in their course.   This information will be accompanied by instructions for how to get help to remediate the files. We anticipate the software will be running on our Moodle site for the Fall … Continue reading PDF Accessibility Checker Announced

Moodle Updates for Fall 2016

We just updated our Moodle site to version 3.1. There are a variety of new features and improvements to make using Moodle easier. On August 23-24, 2016, the Academic Technologists are holding Moodle Help Desk Hours to meet with individual faculty to provide assistance with getting courses set up in Moodle.  We also have a workshop scheduled for Collecting and Grading Assignments Electronically in Moodle. For more details, times, and to sign up for individual help visit our workshop pages on the campus calendar. Among the improvements for this Fall: Better online grading: faculty can now mark up and grade a variety of document types, including MS Word, … Continue reading Moodle Updates for Fall 2016

What’s New in Academic Technology for Fall 2015

ITS has spent the summer improving our core services and implementing new projects to help with your teaching and research. Today, we’d like to call your attention to some of the additions and changes that you might not have heard about. Classroom A/V Updates: Media Services has updated many rooms this summer. (19 classrooms even have wireless projection capability!) For the full list see the “What’s New in Classroom AV” blog post: https://blogs.swarthmore.edu/its/blog/2015/08/26/whats-new-in-classroom-av-fall-2015/. SensusAccess: Accessibility of course materials is essential to make sure that all students can participate fully in the academic program. SensusAccess is an online service which converts … Continue reading What’s New in Academic Technology for Fall 2015