Spring 2022 Faculty Workshops

ITS put on a series of workshops to prepare faculty for the asynchronous and remote start to the Spring 2022 semester. Here are the workshop descriptions and a link to the recordings (available to Swarthmore community members only). Using Zoom to teach remotely Wednesday January 12, 2022 2:00pm-3:15pm This workshop will cover how to deliver a remote class using Zoom including setting up a session, sharing slides, breakout rooms, recording the lecture, sharing the video with students, using an iPad or tablet as a whiteboard, and common troubleshooting tips.   “Using Zoom to teach remotely” workshop recording (Swarthmore login required) Introduction … Continue reading Spring 2022 Faculty Workshops

ITS Beginning to Look a Lot Like Winter (Break)

Friends, our winter break is quickly approaching.  With great gratitude to President Smith for the extended Winter Break, we also realize that our support is needed during times when the College is officially closed.  To that end, ITS wants to … Continue reading ITS Beginning to Look a Lot Like Winter (Break)