Swarthmore MakerSpace taking shape in Beardsley
ITS and the Art Department have been planning to create space where we can begin prototyping a Swarthmore MakerSpace. This semester, we will be working to create a safe and functional space in Beardsley Hall where Studio Art students can use woodworking … Continue reading Swarthmore MakerSpace taking shape in Beardsley

K116 – Exploring elements of a next generation classroom
In partnership with the Registrar, Provost’s office and Facilities, ITS spent the summer examining how to better support teaching in a next generation classroom. We selected Kohlberg 116, a relatively unloved classroom full of heavy tablet arm chairs that were … Continue reading K116 – Exploring elements of a next generation classroom

Ways to Be Better LGBTQ+ Allies
Swarthmore’s website has several great resources for supporting and allying with the LGBTQ+ community. We wanted to share a few ways to demonstrate your commitment to and … Continue reading Ways to Be Better LGBTQ+ Allies

Collaboration in the Classroom using Wireless Presentation
Active Learning? Collaborative Environment? Engaged Students? Flipped Classroom? You’ve no doubt heard these buzzwords over the past few years, but what exactly does it mean? While there are a lot of philosophies that go into modern learning and how to … Continue reading Collaboration in the Classroom using Wireless Presentation

New Brown Bag Lunch Series
Given the interest in R amongst the faculty in every division and the increasing use of statistical and graphical analysis that it facilitates, we are now announcing a new series of informal Brown Bag Lunches for Faculty and Staff. (We’ll … Continue reading New Brown Bag Lunch Series

SPEED Project Wrap Up for Summer 2017
At the end of July, ITS and Library staff and student workers completed another set of Swarthmore Projects for Educational Exploration and Development (SPEED). David Molina Cavazos ’20 worked with Assistant Dean Liz Derickson and Associate Director of Client Services Erin Massey, to create firststeps.swarthmore.edu, a site that Swarthmore students and faculty advisors can use to explore majors. Each page contains data collected from alumni to provide guidance on what students do after graduation, sample career paths, and student narratives. The Dean’s Office is using First Steps to assist with course advising this year. Kate Collins ’18 collaborated with Math Professor Elizabeth Drellich to … Continue reading SPEED Project Wrap Up for Summer 2017