image of a supercomputer

Introducing Jason Simms, Research Computing Manager

ITS is delighted to welcome Jason Simms as the College’s Research Computing Manager.  In this new role, Jason will be working with faculty and students to provide access to high-performance computing and research data storage, as well as facilitating support … Continue reading Introducing Jason Simms, Research Computing Manager

Data Visualization Tools at Swarthmore & New Kaleidagraph!

Your research has generated some numbers for different cases you are analyzing, different conditions of your experiments, or some other way of differentiating groups, and you want to share that information in the most informative way possible with your colleagues, … Continue reading Data Visualization Tools at Swarthmore & New Kaleidagraph!

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Jupyter Notebooks Now Available on Strelka

Swarthmore ITS recently added Jupyter notebooks to the Strelka high performance computing cluster, enabling students and faculty to access enhanced computing power via a standard notebook interface. Jupyter notebooks are interactive pages that can mix blocks of code with text, … Continue reading Jupyter Notebooks Now Available on Strelka