Best Visual Effects (on campus)

If you watched the Oscars on Sunday night, you’ll know The Jungle Book took home Best Visual Effects (see link for two behind the scenes videos on the film’s creation). What you may not know is that some of the same technologies used by those Hollywood artists are available in Swarthmore’s own Media Center. Before you get carried away and show up asking for help with your next animated feature, it’s important to remember that major film work requires a sound stage, some proprietary technology, and a large team of visual artists. While we can’t claim to be a satellite office for Disney Studios, we do encourage folks to stop by … Continue reading Best Visual Effects (on campus)

Little Ways to Make Things Easier

Here’s something you might not have known: For the past 3+ years we’ve been tweeting out little ways to make your digital life easier, especially focusing on often-used software tools here at Swarthmore.  You don’t need to be a Twitter user to see these, either — you can read them right on our ITS front page or on our @SwarthmoreITS Twitter page. On Tuesdays at noon (Eastern) we usually tweet out tips (some recent ones include a cybersecurity phishing quiz and a browser-checking tool to keep your browser(s) and plugins up-to-date easily.  On Wednesdays at noon (Eastern) we usually tweet … Continue reading Little Ways to Make Things Easier

Arduino Inventor’s Kits Now Available for Checkout

Arduino is an open source electronics platform that you can program to interact with the real world: make lights flash, buzzers buzz, and motors spin.  You can use Arduinos to build an invention, animate a sculpture, or automate your house.   ITS has purchased several Arduino-based SparkFun Inventor’s Kits now available for checkout from the Media Center.  These are great for learning about Arduino and come with lots of fun stuff like motors, LEDs, an LCD display, temperature and light sensors, a buzzer, and supporting electronics.  The kit also includes an excellent guide with 16 sample projects starting from the basic blinking … Continue reading Arduino Inventor’s Kits Now Available for Checkout