Research Data Backup

It’s the start of research season at Swarthmore and faculty and students will be working hard writing, collecting, and calculating all kinds of data.  How can you keep your research data safe? Fortunately, ITS provides a variety of backup solutions depending on your specific needs. Product Optimal Use Case CrashPlan All your data fits on your office or lab computer. Google Drive and AODOcs All your your data doesn’t fit on your computer or you want to archive rarely used data and remove it from your computer Your data needs to be shared with collaborators iRODS Large data sets or complex storage … Continue reading Research Data Backup

Disappearing student work (how to avoid)!

As we are all now using Google Drive to store and collect content from students and each other, we’d like to bring to your attention a sometimes overlooked inconvenience… If you have asked students to submit content to you by sharing files from their own Google accounts, or by placing them into folders you provide in your personal Google Drive space, then you may be in danger of losing access to that material once the student’s account is removed from the College’s systems after they graduate! You can tell by looking at the “Owner” listing of any files you’re worried … Continue reading Disappearing student work (how to avoid)!

Two men standing in from of projection screen giving a presentation in front of audience

5 Takeaways on Active Learning From Last Week’s Teaching with Technology Forum

Last week ITS hosted the Teaching with Technology Forum where we highlighted ideas and concepts around Active Learning. In an attempt to create an immersive experience for our faculty and staff, we invited guest speaker Jeff Klemens of Philadelphia University … Continue reading 5 Takeaways on Active Learning From Last Week’s Teaching with Technology Forum

LACOL Language Hack-a-thon @ Language Center

LACOL’s Language Instruction working group will hold a 3-day intensive workshop (also known as a hack­-a­-thon) to prototype a shared online diagnostic and refresher framework. The face-to-face event is being organized by Mike Jones, Director of the Language Resource Center and Media Lab at Swarthmore College, guided by a core team of faculty and language technologists at the participating institutions.  For more information… Continue reading LACOL Language Hack-a-thon @ Language Center

Language Center Hosts Gaming Day Study Break

Come take a study break and let off steam at the 2017 Language and Media Center Gaming Day Event! This year the LMC will transform into a gaming den with a large collection of gaming emulators and consoles and a large screen dance and music game! We’ll also have a screen set up to play Jak3, a personal favorite game of Sam Jenkins. So how do I participate?No need to sign-up! Drop in anytime between 10-3PM on Tuesday, May 2nd in Kohlberg 326 (3rd floor). What if I want to bring a game? There will be plenty of space in … Continue reading Language Center Hosts Gaming Day Study Break