Embrace Non-Traditional Grading with Moodle’s Outcomes Feature
If you’re exploring innovative grading methods for your course, the Outcomes feature in Moodle might be of interest. This tool allows instructors to define and assess student work based on specific course outcomes, providing a clear focus on learning objectives … Continue reading Embrace Non-Traditional Grading with Moodle’s Outcomes Feature

Assistive Technology (AT) Tools: Sticky Keys
This is part two of a series of Assistive Technology (AT) Tools posts about tools anyone can use on their devices without downloading anything additional. The previous post was Assistive Technology Tools: Speech to Text. Have you had surgery on … Continue reading Assistive Technology (AT) Tools: Sticky Keys

Starting the Data Conversation: Data Intake Form
Faculty, researchers, and students are using and generating increasing amounts of data. Determining where to store such data in a post-Google world can be challenging. And, storage space is not the only issue: data may have other requirements, such as … Continue reading Starting the Data Conversation: Data Intake Form

Unlocking the Power of Git: Tips and Tricks
Git is an indispensable tool in the modern developer’s toolkit. Its powerful version control system and ability to make code more collaborative have made it an industry standard, yet, how much do you really know about git? Here are some … Continue reading Unlocking the Power of Git: Tips and Tricks

Google Jamboard Is Going Away
During the pandemic, when emergency remote learning became our new reality, many of us fell in love with Jamboard’s seamless, interactive capabilities. It became our go-to digital whiteboard, allowing faculty and students to connect, collaborate, and create in ways we … Continue reading Google Jamboard Is Going Away

Summer Replacements: How to Get Ready
It’s that time of year again! Our annual computer replacement project is underway. Saying goodbye to old technology can be a big relief…but it can also be a headache. Fortunately, ITS is here to help. Here are five things to … Continue reading Summer Replacements: How to Get Ready