After President Smith announced Swarthmore’s remote stance for the rest of the semester, we have watched our community rally quickly to move to an almost-entirely remote stance. We are so appreciative of all of the folks who have worked to make this as easy of a (difficult) transition as possible, and we remain committed to supporting and working alongside all of you as you transition to learning, teaching, and/or working remotely. And if you are on campus by necessity, we send all of our best.
All of Swarthmore ITS’s most updated resources for this time will remain available at
We wanted to ask you as a community what you have seen your classmates/colleagues do that you thought was particularly creative. Would you let us know what you appreciate on our Google Form?
We have a LinkedIn Learning “Challenge” for April focusing on “Thriving Through Change.” Each video in this series is under five minutes, and focuses on “building resilience, embracing change, and making remote work successful.” View the series:
Finally, we wanted to share some data about how you all are using the services since March 11, 2020, when we started moving toward a remote stance:
Support Tickets:
825 tickets created
1215 active users, 6396 meetings, 1,992,665 meeting minutes, 54,316 participants, 654.78 GB recorded, roughly 51% Mac users, 26% Windows users
2009 unique logins
KnowledgeBase (KB):
19,680 views, including the top five pages:
1) How do I add a video to my course?
2) Working Remotely
3) Zoom Video Web-conferencing
4) VPN and Off-Campus Access
5) Creating a timed take-home exam in Moodle
ITS Blog:
1919 page views, including the top blog post:
Zoom Video Conferencing for Remote Teaching (448 views)
4027 hours recorded, 33,192 views and downloads, 9749 hours delivered