Having worked in higher education for all of my adult life, I’ve never gotten over that “kid” feeling that September represents a new year. More than January, it offers new beginnings and possibilities. Faculty members come back from their summer activities recharged, and with new ideas and projects. Our students return, literally, in earnest. The quiet, sunny paths become challenging to navigate as people Have to Get Somewhere. My new year’s resolution for this fall is to enjoy these moments. I love helping a first-year student find a building, or hearing a student talk excitedly on their cell phone to a parent about a new class. Or seeing a faculty member help a new colleague understand our customs and practices. (“What’s a WA?!”) When not too busy helping faculty and staff with their new ideas and projects, Institutional Research has a moment to catch its breath before our fall freeze, and watch the excitement. My wish for the College in this new year is peace, love, and understanding.