Mathematica Unlimited

New passwords for 2008-2009 are available on the data-software server, including a new unlimited, network-independent license for students to install on their own computers. Detailed instructions on updating your system can be found for Mac and PC on the data-software server. For faculty and staff, when you launch Mathematica, you may be prompted to enter a new password. To get the password for your platform, browse to the data-software server and look in the faculty_staff folder for Mathematica. The Mathematica 6 readme file contains the new password you need for Mathematica 6. The Mathematica 5.2 readme file contains the password … Continue reading Mathematica Unlimited

Thunderbird Overview Sessions

Join us on Thursdays to learn about Swarthmore’s new email system, Thunderbird. ITS will offer Thunderbird Overview sessions for our PC and Mac users. We will alternate each week, for example, the first session on June 19th will focus on Thunderbird on PCs, the following session will focus on Thunderbird on Macs. We look forward to seeing you, click here to attend! Continue reading Thunderbird Overview Sessions

Microsoft Office Overview

ITS is offering an overview of Microsoft Office 2007 to individuals or offices ready to upgrade. The overview will be held each Wednesday at 1:30 PM in Trotter 201 through August 8th. This summer, Office 2007 will be installed on all Windows Systems being upgraded, all computer classrooms and public area systems used by students. Office 2007 for Windows features newly designed menus and toolbars and new file formats. This overview of Office 2007 provides a brief explanation of the new product. After attending the Overview session, ITS will assist with the upgrade to Office 2007. Please register through the … Continue reading Microsoft Office Overview

ITS Recommends Thunderbird to Eudora users

After a period of testing and review, ITS staff are pleased to recommend Mozilla’s Thunderbird to current users of Eudora. Among the available choices, we found that both Macintosh and Windows users were most likely to experience a smooth transition from Eudora when migrating to Thunderbird. Of the two most critical features highlighted in feedback from faculty and staff, mailbox and address book preservation, our testers experienced the easiest migration of their existing data when transferring to Thunderbird. ITS staff will continue to provide technical support for Microsoft Outlook on Windows and for Apple Mail on Mac OS. Our recent … Continue reading ITS Recommends Thunderbird to Eudora users

Migrating from Eudora – Frequently asked questions

Contents What do I have to do with my existing mail folders? Will I lose anything in the conversion? Where will my attachments go? Why do I need to move from POP to IMAP? What’s involved with that? May I choose to move to an email application other than Thunderbird? What do I have to do with my existing mail folders? You’re not required to do or change anything. However, changing your email client is a good time to clean up your collected email. Mail applications run faster and return search results quicker when they have less mail to manage, … Continue reading Migrating from Eudora – Frequently asked questions

Time for QuickTime Updates (and more)

Late last week, Apple released some security fixes for its QuickTime application so users (any platform) should update to the latest version (7.4.5) as soon as they can. This latest update fixes eleven assorted security vulnerabilities. Users who have QuickTime configured to check for updates automatically just need to enable the installation. Otherwise the update can be found at: While on the topic of application updates, it’d be worthwhile to verify your current versions of Adobe Acrobat, Firefox, Opera, OS X, etc. against the most recent versions available. There have been security updates released for these packages in the … Continue reading Time for QuickTime Updates (and more)