Additional Internet Bandwidth Available

ITS recently negotiated a significant increase in Internet bandwidth as part of our contract renewal with Yipes Communications. We will be doubling Internet bandwidth from 30 Megabits per second (Mbps) to 60 Mbps in the next few weeks for a very modest increase in cost. As an initial step, bandwidth has already been increased to 40 Mbps. After the installation of upgraded equipment, we will move to 60 Mbps. As Internet usage continues to grow, this doubling of bandwidth will ensure that we continue to meet the demands of the community for what has become a critical resource. Continue reading Additional Internet Bandwidth Available

Evision’s Argos Reporting Tool Acquired

It is our pleasure to announce that the College has a new Banner reporting tool: Evision’s Argos. Argos (Adhoc Report Generation and Output Solution) will eventually replace our existing Hummingbird reporting tool after several months of having both fully operational to facilitate the transition. This will be a significant change for many of your staff who use Banner intensively, and training is available. The decision to use Argos came after months of deliberation from the Banner Steering Committee and ITS. The committee is confident that Argos fits our current and future reporting needs. We are particularly excited that Argos is … Continue reading Evision’s Argos Reporting Tool Acquired

New Classics Department website launced

The Classics Department has launched a new website, with updated information on the academic program, courses, and faculty. It also features reflections from current students and alumni and Hapax Legemon, the student classics journal. The website was created in Ingeniux, the College’s web content management system. It is based on the standard template for academic departments but employs a custom style sheet to achieve a distinctive look for the department. This site also demonstrates how we can incorporate events submitted to the new Campus Calendar into departmental websites. Check out the Events page to see how this works. We hope … Continue reading New Classics Department website launced

Technology & Teaching – workshop opportunities

College faculty and staff can participate free of charge (travel included) in a wide range of technology workshops through Swarthmore’s membership in NITLE. These hands on workshops are held locally or at peer institutions on topics relating to the use of emerging technologies in the classroom and for research. For a full list of workshops and more information, contact the Academic Computing team. Some upcoming workshops of interest include: * Social Software for Education: Collaborative Learning and Research Practices. Program Date: January 10, 2008. Rollins College. * Visual Literacy: Using Images for Teaching and Learning. Program Date: January 14, 2008. … Continue reading Technology & Teaching – workshop opportunities

Wireless Improvements in McCabe

ITS installed and activated nine new wireless access points in McCabe library over October break. After a survey of McCabe was completed, it was determined that these access points were needed to improve wireless reception around the perimeter of the 2nd and 3rd floor and in the Friends Library and Peace Collection. While wireless doesn’t cover every square inch of McCabe, ITS believes all spaces are covered where a student or staff member would sit down at a desk, table, or chair with their laptop. In addition, ITS is in the process of making changes to the laptops on loan … Continue reading Wireless Improvements in McCabe

Blackboard Housekeeping over Fall Break

Faculty, please note that courses and enrollments for all regular SPRING 2008 academic courses in Banner will begin to appear on your Blackboard course lists after break. As usual, these sites will be available to you as instructor but unavailable to students until you activate them (Control Panel > Settings > Course Availability.) Meanwhile, regular academic courses from SPRING 2006, and Honors courses from FALL 2005 will be archived and removed from Blackboard. SPRING 2006 Honors courses will remain an additional semester to ensure their availability to seniors studying for Honors exams. An archive of each course will be formed … Continue reading Blackboard Housekeeping over Fall Break