Course Evaluations in Moodle

Moodle can be used to give anonymous course evaluations for classes.  To set up your own course evaluation, go to your course in Moodle and turn editing on.  Pick the location where you want to add the evaluation, then click on the “Add an activity . . .” pull-down menu and select “Questionnaire”.  Fill out the options as follows: General: give the questionnaire and name and provide some summary information (e.g. “Please complete the course evaluation”) Timing:  you can optionally specify dates and times that the course evaluation will be available to students. Recommended options: Type: Respond once Respondent Type: … Continue reading Course Evaluations in Moodle

Moodle Training in December and Early January

ITS will be offering three Moodle workshops in the next month. Spring 2012 will be the last semester Blackboard is available. Faculty teaching honors seminars during the 2011-2012 school year may want to use Moodle because Blackboard will not be available for rising juniors when they take their honors exams in the spring of 2013.  Feel free to drop into any of these workshops to learn more about Moodle. Introduction to Moodle On Thursday, December 15th from 1:30-2:30PM we will be holding a Introduction to Moodle training session in Science Center 256. On Friday, January 6th from 9:30-10:30AM, we will … Continue reading Moodle Training in December and Early January

Moodle Workshops and Drop In Consulting Times

Moodle is replacing Blackboard as Swarthmore’s learning management system.  While Blackboard will be available until June 2012, ITS is encouraging faculty to switch their courses to Moodle before the last minute. ITS will be hosting Moodle training and consulting on August 23-25 (Tuesday – Thursday) in the ITS Media Center (Beardsley 114). From 1:30PM – 2:30PM each day, we will have an Introduction to Moodle workshop. From 2:30PM – 4PM each day we will have consulting time where faculty and staff can drop by to work on their courses or ask questions about Moodle. If you have any questions, don’t … Continue reading Moodle Workshops and Drop In Consulting Times

Moodle Training Over Spring Break

Swarthmore is switching from Blackboard to Moodle next year.  The “Introduction to Moodle” training session helps new users transition to our new learning management system.  All courses and enrollments are automatically loaded into Moodle, so it is easy to get started developing your courses. In the first half of the class, we will cover logging in, navigation, and adding materials and online assignments to courses.  During the second half, participants will have to time to work on their course or explore additional features in Moodle. Next school year will be our last with Blackboard, so this is a great time … Continue reading Moodle Training Over Spring Break

Faculty: here is an idea to make posting student work easier

Here’s an idea for faculty who teach a course that involves posting or presenting student work.  Instead of having students e-mail you their weekly presentations, questions, or papers, create a wiki in Blackboard or Moodle and have your students upload and edit their own work. This has the added advantage of automatically allowing other students to to read, add to, comment on, and/or constructively criticize the posted work. It is quick and easy to set up a wiki and then you don’t have to do all the work to collect, transform and then post all the documents for that week. … Continue reading Faculty: here is an idea to make posting student work easier