Summer Jobs in LPAC! (Applications due April 15)

LPAC, a multi­venue performing arts facility, regularly staffs students to work behind the scenes on productions. A majority of the work we do over the summer involves supporting dance rental clients and making sure our facility is in top­notch condition.
We are looking for a few motivated people to join our team for the summer season. Preferably, candidates will have worked LPAC show calls and work calls with us prior to consideration for this position. There are several types of roles students will fill, ranging from backstage crew to light board and sound board operation to front of house. The ideal candidate will have experience in all three areas, but we will provide training for an otherwise strong applicant. The pay for this position is student worker category 2.

Minimum Qualifications:

●  Ability to stand for extended periods of time
●  Ability to lift at least 20lbs
●  Ability to follow direction
●  Willingness to learn
●  Excellent work ethic
●  Positive attitude
●  Preferred: has worked 1 call at LPAC as run crew, 1 call as board op, and a semester as an usher (house management experience preferred)

Job Duties and Responsibilities Include:

  • Arriving on time to all calls (including some early morning calls)
  • Stamina and ability to work long days while maintaining positive attitude
  •  Working as a member of the production team to ensure the best possible outcome for all events

●  Following instructions given by LPAC staff members
●  Representing the LPAC in a professional manner
●  Being polite and respectful at all times
●  Assisting clients in tasks
●  Upholding LPAC rules
●  Maintaining the space as needed (including but not limited to sweeping, mopping, dust mopping, cleaning and setting up quick­change locations, cleaning and setting up dressing rooms, cleaning and setting up backstage areas, setting up lobby, setting up FOH as needed)

Time commitment:
This summer, employees are expected to work an average of 20 hours/week during June. During FOH shift weeks, employees will work an average of 6­10 hours/week. During July and August employees can expect 10­20 hours per week. There are some dates that are non­negotiable (large events), but the other days are somewhat flexible. A schedule of all unavailable hours from May 13th to August 12th must be submitted with an application. Once staffing has been finalized (should be finalized by Monday, May 2nd) we will have a summer staff meeting on Wednesday, May 4th. Attendance at this meeting will be mandatory and paid time.

What to expect:
Please note that the tasks will be of a wide variety. In addition to working show and tech calls, you will be asked to do a lot of organizing, sorting, and cleaning. Furthermore, we will complete maintenance on the building such as reorganizing storage areas, cleaning and maintaining lighting units, painting the stage, cleaning out the stage completely, etc. It is imperative that you maintain a positive and motivated attitude throughout each workday.

What to do next:
Applications are due by April 15th; interviews will start shortly thereafter. Please submit the following for your application by Friday, April 15th at 2:00pm:

●  A letter of interest describing why you are an excellent fit for summer work at the LPAC and what skills you will bring to the table.
●  A detailed schedule of unavailable hours from May 13th through August 12th.
●  A brief descriptions of the calls you have previously done for LPAC
●  2 on campus references, including phone numbers and email addresses

*If you are interested in applying be sure to get on LPAC’s student worker email list and work at least two work calls and two show calls as soon as possible.

*Applicants wishing to seek summer housing must follow all summer housing guidelines put out by the Office of Student Engagement.

Feel free to contact Allie (aemmeri1) in the LPAC office for further details. We hope to see you this summer!