UNSTUCK, Honors Thesis in Directing (5/3-5/5/2013)

unstuck_poster_2swift UNSTUCK is a new story about memory, creation, and the reality of loss. Inspired by the works of Jorge Luis Borges, Salman Rushdie, David Mazzucchelli, and more, this is a collaboratively crafted tale of magical thinking collapsed into stark magical realism. Shadows dance around an artist and his sister as they push the boundaries of what makes our world physical.

Directed and Conceived by Meryl Sands ’13

and Featuring and Created by
Christina Aruffo ’14, Amelia Dornbush ’15, Sam Swift Shuker-Haines ’14, Joshua McLucas ’15, & Benjamin Books Schwartz ’13.

Stage Managed by Zack Martin ’13
with Set Design by Matt Saunders, Costume Design by Dyan Rizzo-Busack ’15, Lighting Design by Josh Schulman, Sound Design by Elizabeth Atkinson, & Projection/Media Design by Fernando Maldonado ’13


May 3 and May 4 @ 9PM
May 4 and 5 @ 2PM

LPAC Frear Ensemble Theatre