Telephone Bronco at SPT

Currently working at SPT (Swarthmore Project in Theater): the Telephone Bronco Theater Company!

“Telephone Bronco is a new theater company composed of Swarthmore College alumni and current students. We are committed to working as a collective, devising new work, and blending our combined knowledge to incorporate a variety of performance styles and contemporary commentaries. We are devoted to our goals both in the narratives we create and in the ways we create them.”

Telephone Bronco is made of up of both current Theatre Department students (Nell Bang-Jensen ’11 and Isa St. Clair ’11) and recent graduates (Emma Ferguson ’10, McFeely Samuel Goodman ’10, Eric Holzhauer ’10, and Louis Jargow ‘10, Jessie Bear ‘09)  and will debut their new work at the Philadelphia Fringe Festival in September 2010.

For more information go to: