Olivia Sabee presents choreography in Wallingford (10/28 @ 7PM)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 //
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
CHAT Lounge 10th Floor // Gladfelter Hall // 1115 W. Berks Street // Philadelphia, PA 19122
Kristina M. Lang // 215-204-7609
Dance Studies Colloquium presents
A lecture with
Pallabi Chakravorty, Swarthmore College
“This is How We Dance Now: Performance in the Age of Bollywood”
All Dance Studies Colloquium events are free and open to the public. No tickets are required.
This event will be livestreamed at http://livestream.com/accounts/1927261
The Department of Music and Dance will host a public celebration to honor Professor Sharon Freidler’s work and retirement. This event, “Making Change for Better Communities Through Dance”, will include faculty, alumni, staff, and students.
There will be live dance, video, and the spoken word to offer a well-rounded glimpse into the numerous contributions that Sharon has made to the field of dance and to our community over the years.
Among the highlights: performances by four alumni of the Dance program who have gone on to distinctive international careers in the dance world; a presentation by a fifth alumna who is one of the leading dance scholars in the U.S.; and a performance by Sharon’s Dance for PD group (Parkinson Disease), accompanied by live music.
“Critical Choreographies of Michael Jackson’s Face”
A lecture with Sherrill Dodds
October 6, 2016
LPAC Cinema
11:20A – 12:35P
Sherril Dodds, Professor of Dance at Temple University, will discuss the scholarly and public attention devoted to the transformations of popular music celebrity Michael Jackson’s face, and the little consideration of how his face works choreographically. Drawing on the lenses of dance and popular music studies, first she will examine how his early career was characterized by a fixed smile, and secondly how he mobilized his face (through a frown and a scream) as his solo career developed to stage a critique of the popular music industry.
Professor Dodds has authored Dance on Screen: Genres and Media from Hollywood to Experimental Art (Palgrave, 2001), Dancing on the Canon: Embodiments of Value in Popular Dance (Palgrave, 2011), and co-edited Bodies of Sound (Ashgate, 2014). She is a founder member of the UK PoPMOVES research group, has been a visiting scholar at Trondheim University (Norway), Griffith University (Australia), and Stanford University (US), and was the recipient of the 2015 Gertrude Lippincott Award for her article “Facial Choreographies and the Choreographic Interface.”
First rule of performing: no one knows what’s going on, but I know what I’m supposed to do. The performance is in progress. The performance is now. Includes movement, projection, discussion, and maybe even dancing.
Live electronic music by Nirvaan Ranganathan. The performers will be there. Let’s see what happens.
Join us for showings in dance from our technique classes:
Dance Lab I
Ballet Repertory students in excerpts from SWAN LAKE
Pointe and Partnering
Monday, May 2
LPAC Troy Dance Studio
The Performers: an experiment in progress
Directed and Choreographed by Erica Janko
Live music by Nirvaan Ranganathan
Advised by Jumatatu Poe
Monday, May 2 & Tuesday, May 3
4:15pm and 6:15pm
(with talkback after final showing on Tuesday)
LPAC Boyer Dance Studio
SEATING IS LIMITED for this showing and by reservation only, please email Erica Janko at ejanko1@swarthmore.edu for more information and reservations
A “performance” may be defined as all the activity of a given participant on a given occasion which serves to influence in any way any of the other participants.
– Erving Goffman, from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, 1959
The Department of Music and Dance sends a warm invitation to all! This spring concert will feature dances and music from a variety of styles and from various cultural traditions including Ballet, Taiko, Modern, Tap, Flamenco and more! Come celebrate our students and faculty with this joyous end of the semester showcase. Free and open to the public without welcome. All ages are welcome.
Lang Performing Arts Center
Pearson-Hall Theater (MainStage)
Friday, April 29 at 8PM
Saturday, April 30 at 8PM
The Department of Music and Dance presents a fully staged production of Henry Purcell’s miniature operatic masterpiece, DIDO AND AENEAS, featuring an all-student cast and members of the Swarthmore College Orchestra. Stage Direction by Patrick Ross ’15; Musical Direction by Andrew Hauze ’04; Choreography by Assistant Professor of Dance Olivia Sabee; Costumes by Tara Webb ’94; Choral Direction by Joseph Gregorio; Musical Preparation by Debra Scurto-Davis; Assistant Musical Direction by J. Andrew Kim ’18; Stage Management by Aaron Slepoi ’17.
Lang Concert Hall
Sun April 24 at 7:30PM
Mon April 25 at 7:30PM
Free and open to the public without reservation. More info: 610-957-6159.