Churches in Chester

Within the less than five square, Chester, PA has about 200 churches or congregations, or approximately five times as many churches per person than the rest of the United States.

According to the directory, there are 26 different denominations represented by the churches in Chester. The largest percentage of churches are non-denominational, followed by Baptist. There are also several African Methodist Episcopal, Apostolic, Catholic, Church of God in Christ, Episcopal, Methodist, and United Methodist churches.

Many of these churches are involved in programs to help and develop the community. For example, at Chester Eastside Ministries, there are after-school, cultural arts education, and summer programs that provide tutoring and mentoring for youth. They also offer GED preparation for adults and emergency food and clothing through the Food and Clothing Ministry.

Dozens of children study with mentors each afternoon, and then go to the gym or outside to play. Because this program has so many children, it always needs tutors.