Critical Security Updates for Adobe Products

Adobe has released software fixes for a number of “critical” security holes in the following products: Adobe Shockwave Player Flash Media Server Adobe Flash Player Photoshop Robohelp At a minimum, many of us use the Flash and Shockwave players.  If you use any of the Adobe products listed above, at home or at work, you should update them as soon as you can.  This includes Windows, Mac and even Android platforms. For a quick glimpse of Adobe products on your computer that may need updating (along with other applications) and the easiest way to update them, you can go to … Continue reading Critical Security Updates for Adobe Products

Mac OS X Lion (10.7)

Mac OS X Lion (10.7) was released on July 20th. As the fall semester starts, ITS is recommending that community members NOT upgrade to Mac OS 10.7 yet. We are working to identify and resolve incompatibilities with core Swarthmore systems and software, but cannot fully support the new Operating System until we have time to test and document changes and patch our systems for Lion support. ITS will fully support the new Operating System in the near future, but can’t guarantee all of our services to early adopters. Continue reading Mac OS X Lion (10.7)

Wireless Users May Need To Use Configuration Tool

Starting next Tuesday, August 9th at 9 AM, wireless devices may need to go through a one-time setup procedure to continue using wireless networking at Swarthmore.  This procedure is required because we will be implementing a new wireless authentication server using a new security certificate at that time.  The procedure will automatically configure your device to work with the new server.  The process takes less than 5 minutes. On or after, August 9th, if you loose your connection or can’t get connected to wireless, Open up your wireless connection and choose the SwatWireless  wireless network. Connect to it. Once connected, … Continue reading Wireless Users May Need To Use Configuration Tool

New HD Classrooms

Over the past two summers, Media Services has upgraded a number of classrooms, seminar rooms, and lecture halls to high definition projection A/V systems. What this means is that you will now be able to show your laptop presentations in high definition and wide screen. The installed classroom computers and disc players will project in high definition. Not all of the classrooms have this capability.  We have compiled a list of rooms that we call HD Digital Media A/V projection systems. For more information on our HD classrooms, please visit the Media Services website. Below is a list of rooms … Continue reading New HD Classrooms

Shifting Funds from Student Voice Mail Services to Internet Bandwidth for Students

PLEASE NOTE:  STUDENT RESIDENCE HALL PHONES ARE NOT AFFECTED BY THIS CHANGE After studying the voice mail usage logs and consulting with available students, we have decided to redirect the funds previously spent on student voice mail services and purchase additional Internet bandwidth instead. Eliminating student voice mail will save $9,000 per year in maintenance fees, and this will fund a 50% increase in bandwidth available to students.  This fall, we will move from 200MB to 300MB in Internet bandwidth for students. Student use of the voice mail service connected to the residence hall phones has declined to very near … Continue reading Shifting Funds from Student Voice Mail Services to Internet Bandwidth for Students

Update Your Browser.. Save Your Computer!

Out of date browser software is a great way to install malware on your computer.  A simple way to help avoid computer “infections” while surfing the web is by keeping your browser up to date (note: this is one of the most common ways that Macs get infected). At the time of this writing, the following are the latest browser versions: Firefox 3.6.17 or 4.0.1 5.0.1 (you should strongly consider upgrading to 5.0.1 unless there’s a specific application you use that requires 3.6.x) Safari  5.0.5 Chrome 12.0.742.100 Opera 11.11 Updates for Internet Explorer are bundled in Windows Automatic Updates.  So, … Continue reading Update Your Browser.. Save Your Computer!