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What’s New in Moodle for Fall 2019

Our Academic Technology team just finished upgrading Swarthmore’s Moodle site to version 3.7 this summer.  This update provides the college with the latest features and security updates.  This version does not have major changes but does have some features that will make life easier.

What’s New?

Updated Home Page

Moodle now allows several ways to manage your course listing on the Moodle home page.  You can filter by course status (current, past, and future courses), highlight (“star”) courses as your favorites, or view by alphabetical order.  At the bottom of the page, Moodle lists the last courses you have accessed.


Instructors can now record audio or video feedback for student assignment feedback.  It is also possible to rotate incorrectly uploaded PDFs.


Moodle books can now be printed or sent to PDF with a more attractive output.  This can be useful for offline access of course content.


Instructors have access to a large collection of statistics about Moodle quizzes, which may be helpful in analyzing the results of an assessment.

Get in Touch

As always, if you have any questions or feedback about the changes, please get in touch with your Academic Technologist.