New Features in Moodle for Fall 2015

Swarthmore ITS just updated our Moodle site to version 2.8 from version 2.6.  Some highlights from the upgarde include: An improved gradebook with a easier to use grader report, additional grading options, and new grade history report. A new text editor that is easier to use and includes accessibility checking functions.  In addition, the text editor auto-saves your work as you type. Easier quiz creation tools and ability for students to upload files for essay questions For more information on the new features, you can check out the release notes at New features in Version 2.7 New features in Version 2.8 Continue reading New Features in Moodle for Fall 2015

Moodle Updates for Spring 2015

Moodle Assignments Creating assignments is easier in the upgraded Moodle assignment activity. You will see a single Moodle activity type called “Assignment.” The options for this activity can be configured to allow for single or multiple file upload, online text, or offline activity. More information available here: Academic technologists will hold two workshops on “Online Assignments in Moodle,” which will cover how to create, distribute, grade, and provide feedback for assignments using Moodle.  The workshops will take place on: Wednesday January 28, 10:30AM-11:30AM in McCabe 306 (computer classroom) Thursday January 29, 1:30PM-2:30PM in Kohlberg 326 (Language Resource Center) Turnitin … Continue reading Moodle Updates for Spring 2015

Turnitin + Moodle = Elegant

Working with Moodle and just got really easy here at Swarthmore. ITS recently completed a project to fully integrate the service with Moodle.  Turnitin can support you with grading, grammar, plagiarism checking, and peer review services.  It is now possible to create an assignment in Moodle and have student papers automatically submitted to Turnitin can be used to detect similarities in content to websites, journal articles, or other student papers, and can be used to do online grading, including voice annotations.  In addition, Turnitin can automatically assign student papers for peer review.  Peer review can be done anonymously, if desired. Here are … Continue reading Turnitin + Moodle = Elegant

Moodle Workshops and Training Opportunities for Fall 2014

ITS is offering several Moodle workshops and one-on-one sessions to help get your courses ready for the Fall 2014 semester. Introduction to Moodle Workshop This hands-on workshop will cover how to set up a course in Moodle, upload a syllabus and readings, handle student enrollments, send class emails, and provide an overview of other features available in Moodle. Tuesday 8/26/14 from 1:30PM – 2:30PM in Trotter 201 Monday 9/1/14 from 1:30PM – 2:30PM in ITS Media Center (Beardsley 114) What’s New in Moodle for Fall 2014 Some of the major new features in Moodle include: annotating PDF assignment files from within … Continue reading Moodle Workshops and Training Opportunities for Fall 2014

Moodle Upgrade on Friday 8/8/2014

On Friday August 8, 2014, ITS will be upgrading the Moodle site. Moodle will be unavailable from 8AM to noon on 8/8/2014. Some highlights of the new version of Moodle: Ability to mark up student PDF assignments from within Moodle Modernized appearance, simplified interface, and improved usability for tablets and phones Ability to drag and drop images and text onto a course page Ability to show contents of folders on the course main page OpenBadges compatible badging system All existing courses and course material will still be available on the upgraded site. ITS will be offering introductory and intermediate courses … Continue reading Moodle Upgrade on Friday 8/8/2014

Moodle 2 Upgrade on Thursday August 8, 2013

ITS will upgrade to Moodle 2 on Thursday August 8, 2013.  Moodle will be unavailable from 11AM to 8PM.  All your existing courses and enrollments will remain in Moodle after the upgrade. In addition to design improvements, Moodle 2 has useful new features, such as: Drag and drop file uploads Easy downloads of all student assignment submissions Conditional access: automatically make items visible after a specified date More display options, including collapsable topics or week sections To help you with the transition to Moodle 2, we will offer several workshops in the coming weeks.  If you can’t make any of … Continue reading Moodle 2 Upgrade on Thursday August 8, 2013