A boy chants victoriously after winning a game with his brother at Balboa Lake in Encino, Calif. Photo by Asim Bharwani.

Adding Delight to Your Work

What is delight?

In an earlier post, I spent some time discussing the role of interest and active engagement in learning.  In this post, I want to turn the focus on the things that inspire you, and to encourage collaboration to share the things that we see that inspire us but that we don’t always pass along to others.

For me, successful and delightful engagement tends to have some combination of the following:

  • kindness
  • humor/puns
  • design
  • re-watch/repost value
  • thoughtfulness
  • shareability
  • a connective theme or concept

That is by no means an exhaustive list; it is a list that tends to speak to my tastes.

But what are yours?

I am currently attending the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference and presenting a poster session entitled “Making IT Outreach Fun (or, Wild Ideas I Thought My Boss Would Say No To),” I thought it would be a fun and helpful exercise to set up a place where anyone could share their favorite examples of outreach, both in IT and beyond.

Would you mind adding your voice?  This is an open Google Doc, so please edit and share — it only gets better if you contribute: https://docs.google.com/document/d/100xDRwm59_rAocsGCvPd8FgdGR2BzJbLTZuad5MQZL4/edit?usp=sharing