If you’re exploring innovative grading methods for your course, the Outcomes feature in Moodle might be of interest. This tool allows instructors to define and assess student work based on specific course outcomes, providing a clear focus on learning objectives rather than traditional grades. Starting August 1, 2024, ITS will enable the Outcomes feature for all courses in Moodle.
What Are Moodle Outcomes?
Moodle defines outcomes as “specific descriptions of what a student has demonstrated and understood at the completion of an activity or course.” Outcomes can be linked to most activities in Moodle, including assignments, quizzes, and forums. For each activity, a dropdown menu will allow you to select the associated outcomes. While you can still use traditional grade entries, it’s not required.

Outcomes show up in the gradebook and can be used to calculate course grades.

Why Use Outcomes?
- Objective-Focused Learning: Outcomes emphasize the achievement of specific learning goals, shifting the focus from grades to mastering the material.
- Versatile Assessment: You can associate an outcome with multiple assessments, offering students diverse opportunities to demonstrate their skills.
- Simplified Grading: Grading can become more straightforward if outcomes are clear and simple, such as “satisfactory/not yet satisfactory.”
Next Steps
Incorporating outcomes into your course can enhance the learning experience by promoting objective evaluation and offering a more comprehensive view of student progress. If you’d like to learn more about Moodle outcomes, get in touch with your Academic Technologist.