Sunset on Solstice: Introducing Screenbeam to Swarthmore

`This past year, Classroom and Conferencing Technologies elected to start phasing out the Mersive Solstice product and replacing it with a newer wireless presentation device known as Screenbeam. After researching and testing out numerous other products, Screenbeam was the clear cut winner due to, among other things, its ease of use and lower cost. The big difference between Screenbeam and Solstice is that NO APP IS REQUIRED. Yes, that’s right. To project from a Mac or iOS device, you simply open up Airplay and choose the room you wish to project to. Once the code appears, you enter it on your device and start projecting. Projecting from a Windows Laptop is also very easy as it uses Miracast. To connect with Miracast, you simultaneously press the Windows Key and “K”. Similar to Airplay, you will then choose the name of the room you wish to project to and a code will pop up for you to enter. Android devices connect via the “Cast” Option from your phone.

For those of you who were unhappy with how Solstice displayed video and sound, we have also found that Screenbeam does a much nicer job of streaming audio and video, thus providing an easy way to connect your phone to a space’s projection system for some much needed music during a lab or a study session.

As of right now, we have rolled out roughly 25 Screenbeams throughout campus, with more to come as rooms get upgraded or added. For more information, or to get a demo of Screenbeam, simply reach out to Classroom and Conferencing Technologies at extension 6201, via email at or by visiting the Support Portal at