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High Performance Computing Conference at Swarthmore – January 2020

Swarthmore College will be hosting a conference on “High Performance Computing in the Liberal Arts” on January 7-8, 2020.  Aimed at IT staff at liberal arts colleges, the event will bring together over 30 technologists from 25 colleges from across the country.

Academic research is increasingly reliant on computational analysis, and faculty and students at liberal arts colleges are looking for ways to gain access to high-performance computing (HPC) resources to advance their work. IT departments can be a key partner in providing access to and administering these systems.

Some liberal arts colleges maintain their own HPC systems, while some use public or cloud computing systems, and others are in the process of figuring out how to provide resources to their faculty and students. The goal of this meeting is to learn what other schools are doing with HPC, to share leading practices, and to strategize about how to best support users.

Swarthmore will be using the opportunity to figure out how to best support research computing, especially when it comes to our new cluster computer.

More information about the event is available on the High Performance Computing in the Liberal Arts event website.

If you have questions about research computing, please get in touch with one of our Academic Technologists.