Ensemble logo, arrows pointing right, Panopto logo

Migrating from Ensemble Video to Panopto

ITS has decided not to renew its software contract with Ensemble Video. Instead, we will migrate any needed video from Ensemble to our other video management system, Panopto. We realize we no longer need two video management systems so we are downsizing to just one. In doing so, we will save on additional licensing and server fees.

Why Panopto

We initially purchased Panopto for the College as a solution for our lecture capture system. However, recording video is just one of several features Panopto has to offer. One of the reasons we decided to solely go with Panopto is because it is much more dynamic. For those who are unfamiliar, Panopto can store, stream, and record video and audio content that can easily integrate with Moodle. It also has an auto-captioning feature as well as great integration with a professional video captioning service.

If you have video content in Ensemble that you would like to keep, especially if it’s part of any of your Moodle courses, please reach out to aturner2@swarthmore.edu and let me know. Our goal is to have the migration complete for the Fall semester.

Learn More About Panopto

We, of course, will be providing workshops on how to use Panopto with Moodle in upcoming months. If you would like to learn more about using Panopto and its features please click on the button below.  


Furthermore, for those wanting to learn more about possibly using Panopto to record videos for your courses, check out the video below!

Ask Us

Of course, please reach out to us at acadtech@swarthmore.edu if you have any questions regarding this upcoming change. Look out for more information to come.