Make sure you back up all your important files and email before graduation!

Congratulations Swarthmore class of 2011! It is time to prepare for your upcoming account expiration on June 15th.

We know this is a busy time in your life, but that makes it all the more important that you read the attached web page carefully. Now is the time to be saving all the work you have completed while at Swarthmore and transitioning to a new email address.

What will happen to my accounts?

The following Swarthmore accounts will be disabled on June 15th:

* Voice Mail
* Email (ability to check, receive, or forward your Swarthmore email)
* Network (userfolders, Swatfiles, Google Docs, academic folders, proxy server, VPN)
* Blackboard (including files and postings)

Your access to the MySwarthmore account, using your student identification number, will not expire. You should reset your PIN prior to leaving campus, however, since MySwarthmore will no longer be linked to your email address.

What do I need to do prior to June 15th?