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February 2008
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The Film and Media Studies Spring Screening will take place Thursday, May 8, at 7:30 in the LPAC Cinema. All are invited to come watch the Video Production Lab and senior film projects!

Kirk/Spock and fan vids

February 11th, 2008 by Kathy

Since we are watching Amok Time this week it seemed appropriate to bring up fan vids. Fan vids, are videos made by fans, particularly music videos that show slash. One major example is Kirk/Spock slash fan vids. Most of them cut together different bits of episodes (particularly from Amok Time, which is why I thought of it) with a song playing over it to create the slash story. Some bring in other bits of film (m/m sex scences) but many just re-edit the “canon material” ie episode footage, in an inventive way to tell a totally different story. Definately a different medium for fan fiction that theoretically only uses the canon. The link below is a Kirk/Spock video set to the Nine Inch Nails song Closer


Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »


  1. Kathy on 12.02.2008 at 14:05 (Reply)

    Just a note about the vid/Jenkin’s idea of a nomad. I actually heard about the Closer-kirk/spock vid from Diana. Jenkin’s discusses fans who, once in a fan community, follow members of their community into other, often similar, fandoms. The same can be said within a specific fandom. Diana recommended a different aspect of Star Trek fandom (ie. the fn vid of Closer). As a result, I migrated/integrated a new aspect of fan production into my framework. Fans can be nomads within fandoms as different fans recommend things to each other (like a fanfic, or a piece of fan art or a magazine).

  2. Fletcher on 12.02.2008 at 16:12 (Reply)

    Quick note: I looked up ‘Amok Time’ on Wikipedia. Interestingly enough, one of the linked articles was pretty much entirely about fan fiction and includes a lot of stuff about the history of fans’ perception of Kirk and Spock. I’m not sure how useful this information would be to the average Wikipedia user, but for our purposes it looks very helpful.
    Links to the relevant pages:

  3. Nicole on 13.02.2008 at 01:34 (Reply)

    I went looking for more Spock/Kirk vids, but basically found out that Closer is the mostly highly recced one (although this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usuI9uPtlGM has the benefit of being hysterical and making Spock look like a 13 year old girl).

    However, if you wanted to learn more about how media fandom views Star Trek: TOS (The Original Series) I did look at this link (http://community.livejournal.com/crack_van/655280.html?style=mine) which not only highlights what media fans (it seems to be slash oriented too) think of the series, but also speaks about the purpose of the nomadic ideal. In this community fans are trying to lure each other into new and different fandoms, thus the name crack_van. The nomadic fanstyle is not only acknowledged but actively fostered and seen as an integral part of fandom.

    Also, I have now seen William Shatner shirtless way way to many times. It’s a bit scarring, so I thought that I should share to equalize the trauma among us all.

  4. Diana on 14.02.2008 at 03:38 (Reply)

    Apparently, some people actually *enjoy* the gratuitous Kirkchest shots.

    Speaking of which, while we’re on the subject of K/S, do you think sexual attraction to the characters in question is an ESSENTIAL element of slash, or just a RECOMMENDED one?

    Because I think Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are none so foxy, but I can’t help giggling my way through all the OS episodes…

    Just a thought.

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