Two Ultimaker 3 - 3D printers

Second New Ultimaker 3 – 3D Printer

Information Technology Services has just acquired a another new 3D printer! In our efforts to make 3D printing available to more folks here at Swarthmore, we’ve acquired a second Ultimaker 3 printer.  Since it can take hours to complete a print job, we thought it only fair to increase our capacity to support the efforts of folks who want to work with 3D printing by improving our ability to print multiple objects simultaneously.  This means we now have 3 – 3D printers!  Our Dimension U-Print SE Plus will remain dedicated for class use, but we welcome generally academically oriented ideas for printing on the two Ultimaker systems.  

As we mentioned in a previous blog post ( these high resolution Ultimaker 3 printers uses a modular dual print-head that will print both model and support material and can also switch to printing with two different model materials in a single print job. This allows for two color printing as well as dual material printing for materials with different physical properties. When support material is needed, it’s water soluble PVA!

Stop by Beardsley 105 to check out the new printers and to get started with 3D printing!