Author Archives: Denise Crossan

Derry / Londonderry first UK City of Culture in 2013!

New Year’s Eve saw the much anticipated launch of the Derry / Londonderry UK City of Culture 2013 programme!!  check out the link below of the fantastic fireworks from the Peace Bridge and also the link below to the UK City of Culture 2013 website for more information – 

Derry / Londonderry UK City of Culture 2013 launch on New Year’s Eve –



UK City of Culture 2013 website and programme for the year-  


We hope to see you all in 2013!


NI Semester Abroad Regional Director

More Weekend Photos

Weekend in the north west coast

This past Thursday, we (Hannah and Josh) travelled to Londonderry/Derry for a residential with our community placement organization, the Bytes project. At this, Bytes staff did some Forum Theatre exercises.  Forum Theatre is a kind of Community Theatre, where theatre exercises are used to create a short play that presents a problem but no solutions.  The play is performed twice in a row, the first time straight, the second time any member of the audience can stop the play and replace one of the characters to try out a solution to the problem presented.  Thursday night we stayed in the City Hotel, which is right next to the City of Culture offices.  For those of you who don’t know, the City of Culture offices were bombed on Wednesday.  (Insert joke about our safety, but don’t tell our parents.)  The bomb only busted a few windows, and luckily no one was injured.

(Post written by Hannah and Josh)