Happy second semester, everyone!
One thing we hear is that we sometimes hide behind computers too much. Come on…like you don’t hide behind screens yourself? Oh…you don’t? Good for you!
But for real, we heard you, and we (ITS) are happy to introduce a new series as part of the blog — we are calling it “Who Is That?” and we will give you a glimpse into who we are with some offbeat questions for the good folks who make stuff work here at the College for you.
Today we are featuring Aixa Pomales (AP)!
Interviewer: Aixa, how long have you been working here?
AP: Since 2010!
I: What is your title, and what other titles have you held here?
AP: My title is Director of Support Services, previously Director of Client Services.
I: Please explain your job using only haiku.
AP: Oversee? Sometimes!
Cheer on? Always! Meetings: Lots.
Supporting campus.
(Side note: Do emoji count as syllables? If so, how?!)
I: I have actually no idea. Maybe ask the Writing Center?
I: Please tell us two truths and a lie (answers to be revealed at the top of the next “Who Is That?” blog post):
- I come from Puerto Rico.
- I am a great swimmer.
- I have many many cousins.
(Side note: How many is many many?)
I: What is the one thing you wish everyone knew about your job here?
AP: Our busiest time of the year is the summer. As we bid adieu to most of our colleagues, we roll up our sleeves and get a lot of work done.
I: What is something you’re proud of at work?
AP: I work with an amazingly gifted team. Not only in technology skills, but most importantly in the soft skills.
I: What is something you’re proud of outside of work?
AP: My family.
I: What aspects of your professional life would you like to share?
AP: My team inspires me to want to do better and to be better as a technician, leader, and human being!
I: Do you have words to live by?
AP: Don’t let anyone else steal your joy.
I: What are you passionate about?
AP: I believe we need to see more women in technology leadership roles and specifically for Hispanic women.