Passing the torch

Image by Pierre Gaudouin
Image by Pierre Gaudouin, Gran Prix winner of the 2015 Creative Awards.

Indy and Dakota have done a great job of summarizing the current situation in their latest post, so I encourage you to read that.  Now that I’m back at home, I just wanted to add my voice in welcoming our Swarthmore colleagues Prof. Ayse Kaya, Anita Desai, Stephen O’Hanlon, and Nathaniel Graf, who are arriving in France this weekend.  I look forward to their news and insights over the coming week.

And this week promises to be exciting.  To use the phrase that I heard several times in the past few days, this week “the ministers arrive,” the higher-level officials with more power to make meaningful concessions and hammer out the final agreement.

I’ve really appreciated the chance to share my experiences with you this past week, and I may yet have a post or two to share as I continue to reflect and take in the events of this coming week.  I remain optimistic about the outcome.   I had the good fortune of hearing former Vice President Al Gore speak on Friday, and he expressed his optimism with a quote from one of my favorite poets.  It really resonated with me, so I’ll let Wallace Stevens have the last word:

After the final no there comes a yes
And on that yes the future world depends.

One thought on “Passing the torch”

  1. Great quote from W. Stevens – I can think of several issues where it would be great to get to that point.

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