Many thanks to Sa’ed Atshan (Swarthmore class of 2006) for his presentation this afternoon on Humanitarian Politics in Palestinian Territories. We had a great crowd, and Dr. Atshan’s lecture was excellent, as usual.
Tag Archives: Palestine
Bethlehem Blues: Humanitarian Politics in the Palestinian Territories
Professor Sa’ed Atshan (Swarthmore class of 2006), Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University, will give a talk on campus entitled:
“Bethlehem Blues: Humanitarian Politics in the Palestinian Territories”
Wednesday, October 30, 4:30 p.m.
Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall
Swarthmore College
The population of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) is among the highest recipients of international humanitarian aid per capita in the world. This lecture will analyze changes in the political economy of the OPT that have led to increased dependence on foreign assistance and the impact of that dependency on contemporary Palestinian society. With the West Bank governorate of Bethlehem as the base for this examination, we will trace the “social life of aid” in the OPT and explore how international aid shapes the subjectivity, space, and social fabric of Palestinians.
Dr. Atshan formerly taught in the Peace and Justice Studies program at Tufts University, and we are thrilled to have him back on campus soon.
Sponsored by the Departments of Sociology/Anthropology, Political Science, Modern Languages and Literature (Arabic Section), Islamic Studies, and Peace and Conflict Studies
Human rights in the Occupied Territories
Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine will host Sunjeev Bery on campus Tuesday, October 22 at 4:30 in Kohlberg 116.
Sunjeev BeryBery will talk about Israel’s violations of human rights in the Occupied Territories including the Gaza student blockade, Nabi Saleh village, and other human rights issues.
Sunjeev Bery is the Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa for Amnesty International USA. AmnestyInternational is a Nobel Peace Prize winning human rights organization with over 3 million members. Sunjeev Bery has attended the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, has worked at the ACLU, and frequently writes articles on human rights issues.
The event is sponsored by Political Science, Islamic Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Forum for Free Speech, and the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility.
Swarthmore alum and Peace and Conflict Studies lecturer, Sa’ed Atshan ’06 to speak on campus
Tel-Aviv nightclubs and West Bank checkpoints: The politics of being fabulous in the Holy Land
Friday April 19, 2013
4:30 PM
Kohlberg 116
Swarthmore College

Sa’ed Atshan and Lee Smithey at the 2012 Peace and Justice Studies Association meetings at Tufts University, where Sa’ed teaches Peace and Conflict Studies
Sa’ed Atshan is a Swarthmore Alum class of 2006, he received an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2008, and is now a lecturer of Peace and Conflict studies at Tufts University, and a joint PhD candidate in Anthropology and Middle-Eastern Studies at Harvard University. His dissertation research is on the politics of humanitarian aid provision in Palestine.
Hosted by Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine SPJP (
Funded by the Forum for Free Speech FFS.
Poetic Injustice: Writing on Resistance and Palestine
A poetry reading and discussion by Remi Kanazi, poet, writer and activist.
9:30 PM
Paces Cafe
Remi Kanazi is a poet, writer, and activist based in New York City. He is the editor of Poets For Palestine and the author of the collection of poetry, Poetic Injustice: Writings on Resistance and Palestine. His political commentary has been featured by news outlets throughout the world, including CNN, Al Jazeera English, GRITtv with Laura Flanders, and BBC Radio. His poetry has taken him across North America and the Middle East, and he recently appeared in the Palestine Festival of Literature as well as Poetry International.
For more information email:
For more information about Remi visit:
Sponsors: Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine (SPJP), Forum for Free Speech (FFS), Peace and Conflict Studies, Political Science, Arabic and French departments.
[Photo credit: DefPoetics, Creative Commons License]
Video of Prof. Mubarak Awad’s 2011 visit
Spurred by Dr. Kuttab’s visit to campus this past week, we are posting video of his colleague, Prof. Mubarak Awad’s visit to Swarthmore College on November 7, 2011. Photos are available here. The Daily Gazette covered the event. Both of these events were sponsored by Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine.
Mubarak Awad speaks at Swarthmore College November 7, 2011 from Swarthmore Peace Studies on Vimeo.
Dr. Jonathan Kuttab on Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
“Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”
Dr. Jonathan Kuttab
Thursday, November 1, 2012
4:30 p.m.
Science Center 101
Swarthmore College
Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine are hosting Dr. Jonathan Kuttab, a leading human rights lawyer in Israel and Palestine, who co-founded the Palestinian Center for the Study of Nonviolence, Al-Haq, and the Mandela Institute for Political Prisoners. He also co-founded the Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems. He is the Chairman of the Board of Bethlehem Bible College and of Holy Land Trust.
The lecture will discuss the use of law as an instrument of policy by Israel to continue the occupation, whether the situation in Israel/Palestine defines a state of apartheid, and how international law and the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be used to find a just resolution.
Sponsored by Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine and the Forum for Free Speech
Recap: Sanger, Awad, and Alwadi
We have had a busy and engaging couple of weeks in Peace and Conflict Studies with events on nonviolent resistance in the Middle East, U.S. foreign policy, mountaintop removal, and women and violence in the Congo.
Here are some pictures and video offered as a brief recap:
(click on the thumbnails below for larger images)
David Sanger
David Sanger addressed the college on October 27, 2011
Mubarak Awad
Prof. Mubarak Awad addressed the college and local community on November 7, 2011. Stay tuned for the video of Prof. Awad’s talk, which we will post here on the blog.
Nada Alwadi
Bahraini journalist, Nada Alwadi, spoke on November 8, 2011. She visited with John Meyer of Pendle Hill after the event and posed for a picture with (L to R) Lee Smithey, Jim MacMillan, and Brahim El Guabli. After her appearance at Swarthmore, she moved on to address the International House of Philadelphia on November 11, 2011.
If you missed Nada Alwadi’s talk, you can hear her online. You can see her webinar with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict.
Ms. Alwadi was also interviewed by Marty Moss-Coane on WHYY’s Radio Times on the morning following her presentation at Swarthmore. You can listen to the interview here.
Prof. Mubarak Awad, renowned expert on nonviolent resistance to speak on Nov 7
A talk and discussion by Professor Mubarak Awad, School of International Service at American University.
Monday, November 7, 2011
4:30 p.m.
Science Center 101
Mubarak Awad is the founder and national president of the Youth Advocate Program, which provides alternative foster care and counseling to “at risk” youth and their families. He is also the founder of the Palestinian Center for the Study of Nonviolence in Jerusalem. Dr. Awad was deported by the Israeli Supreme court in 1988 after being jailed for organizing activities involving nonviolent civil disobedience. Dr. Awad has since formed Nonviolence International, which works with various movements and organizations across the globe.
Sponsors: Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine