Interested in conflict and peacebuilding? Social entrepreneurship and sustainable organizing?
Come learn about the Northern Ireland Semester, a study abroad program of Swarthmore College. We will hold an orientation session on Thursday, September 20th at 3:30 in SC145. Dr. Denise Crossan (Trinity College Dublin), our in-country supervisor and instructor, will join us via Skype.
The program provides students a unique opportunity to study conflict, ongoing peacebuilding efforts, and social entrepreneurship in local communities in Northern Ireland, a region in a critical transition after 30 years of violent political and ethnic struggle. Students work (for supervised credit) within local community organizations while studying conflict, peace, and reconciliation at the Irish School for Ecumenics of Trinity College at its Belfast campus. Community placements can be tailored to fit your particular academic interests (e.g. theatre as peacebuilding, culture and conflict, transitional politics, segregated education, cross-border economics, etc.)
The Northern Ireland Semester is based in two geographic locations, Derry / Londonderry or Belfast, but student involvement with community groups may take place elsewhere in Northern Ireland. Students may register for one semester or two, and further possibilities for summer research and /or service work may arise.
Visit the Northern Ireland Semester website where you can read more about the program, including student contributions to the program’s blog.
All students are welcome to participate in the program. For Peace and Conflict Studies students, all four credits may be applied toward the minor.
Download, print, and hang a flyer, and invite your friends!
Information for this and other programs is available in the Off-Campus Study Office Visit the OCSO web site.
Contact: Lee Smithey at lsmithe1 or Rosa Bernard at rbernar1

Bonfires and national flags, such as this Union Jack and the Tricolour on the hill, assert political claims and identities in Northern Ireland