From our friends in Global Neighbors:
Diversity and Inclusion: Considering the Role of Disabilities on Campus
Thursday, November 17, 4:30pm in the Scheuer Room
What is diversity and why have we been engaging with it predominantly through the lenses of race, gender, and class? Why is it that even though 25% of students on campus have a documented disability, disability is still left out of most conversations? What has Swarthmore done to accommodate for their needs? Are there still issues of accessibility and accommodation that students with disabilities face?
Join Global Neighbors and panelists Dean Shá Duncan Smith, Susan Smythe (ADA Coordinator), Leslie Hempling (Director of Student Disability Services), Donna Jo Napoli (Linguistics Department), Max Weinstein ‘19, and Lauren Knudson ‘19 as we engage in this discussion on how to broaden our ideas of diversity and inclusion.