Over 200 people from 70 student campaigns nationwide are coming to Swarthmore for a Fossil Fuel Student Convergence organized by Swarthmore Mountain Justice. Guests include speakers from communities fighting extraction, socially responsible investment funds, and programs focused on intersectionality and environment. There are several events open to the wider community, and the organizers are excited to invite people from all different perspectives to participate.
Here’s a schedule of the weekend:
Silent Solidarity March// Location and time tbd
Swarthmore students, faculty, staff, and alumni will join together for a march through campus during the Board of Managers meetings to urge powerful action on climate change through fossil fuel divestment.
(For more information, contact swarthmoremj@gmail.com)
“Before Rachel Carson: Workers and the Origins of Environmentalism in the United States”
Sci. 181 // 9:30 & 10:30 AM
Chad Montrie is a Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts–Lowell, and author of To Save the Land and the People, Making a Living, and A People’s History of the Environment. His talk confronts mainstream visions of environmentalism, focusing instead on working class resistance to extraction. (Sponsored by Environmental Studies & History Dept.)
“Resisting Fossil Fuels: Voices from the Frontlines” – Panel Discussion
LPAC//11:30 AM
Crystal Lameman, Beaver Lake Cree Nation, tar sands resistance, Canada
Yudith Nieto, Tar Sands Blockade, TX
Junior Walk, Coal River Mountain Watch, WV
Deirdre, anti-fracking organizer, PA
Michael Bagdes-Canning, Marcellus Outreach Butler, PA
“Growing Stronger: From Divestment to Climate Justice” – Keynote
LPAC//7:30 PM
Crystal Lameman, Beaver Lake Cree Nation, tar sands resistance, Canada
Aura Bogado, The Nation, NY
Ellen Dorsey, Wallace Global Fund, Washington DC
Divest the Nation Action
1PM // Meet in Front of Parrish
Join students from across the country in a monumental show of support for the national divestment movement, frontline communities, and international action for climate justice!
“What We Can Learn from Economic and Immigrant Justice Work”
Location TBA // 9:30 & 10:30
Chris Hicks (Jobs with Justice)
Unite Here! Organizer
Erika Nuñez (DREAMer and Bryn Mawr Student)
(personal outreach only at this point) “Environmental Justice in Chester” Panel –
Location TBA // 9:30 & 10:30 AM
Speakers: Ciara Williams (Swarthmore student), Desire Grover (community media maker and organizer), Mike Ewall (Energy Justice Network)
If you have questions about the weekend or the events, feel free to send an email to Swarthmore Mountain Justice at swarthmoremj@gmail.com