2006-2007 Academic Year
Amy Kapit ’06 writes for Israel Policy Forum
Amy Kapit ’06, a recent Honors Peace and Conflict Studies graduate is completing an internship at the Israel Policy Forum where she has contributed to the organization’s weekly analysis with a piece on the tenuous ceasefire in Lebanon . Camillus joins Peace and Justice Studies Association BoardKatie Camillus ’08, a new student in the PCS program, will be joining the board of the Peace and Justice Studies Association as its student liaison. Lang Opportunity Grant winner Katie Camillus ’08 and Swarthmore’s tradition of student activism are featured on a recent broadcast of Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Here on Earth.” Listen here. Find Swarthmore references at min. 15, 21, and 47 (Katie’s interview).
George Lakey named 2006-2007 Eugene M. Lang Professor for Issues of Social Change During the 2006-2007 academic year, George Lakey, author, activist, and, founder of Training for Change will join the Peace and Conflict Studies program at Swarthmore.Read the College’s press release. Professor Lakey will teach a course on “Humanitarian Intervention: Nonviolent Options” during the Fall 2006 semester, and he will teach “Nonviolent Responses to Terrorism” during the Spring 2007 semester. The Lang Center is pleased to announce the appointment of George Lakey as the Eugene M. Lang Professor for Issues of Social Change in 2006-2007.? George Lakey is the founder and Executive Director of Training for Change , a Philadelphia-based organization that is nationally and internationally known for its leadership in creating and teaching strategies for nonviolent social change.? Lakey has been a leader in the field of nonviolent social change since the 1960s and has published extensively for both activist and academic readers.?? He has worked with US mineworkers, steelworkers,? civil rights leaders,? South African anti-apartheid activists, Cambodian human rights organizers, and many others.George also contributes to our knowledge of nonviolent social change through his writing.? He has contributed many book chapters, pamphlets, and articles, and his work has been translated into at least six languages.? His books include A Manual for Direct Action, Powerful Peacemaking:? a Strategy for a Living Revolution, and Grassroots and Nonprofit Leadership:? a Guide for Organizations in Changing Times.George has taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Haverford College, Temple University, and at Swarthmore.? During his term as Lang Professor, his academic home will be in the Peace and Conflict Studies Program and his teaching will include the development, with Lee Smithey, of a new course entitled “Peace Studies and Action.”George brings a depth of experience and expertise in peace studies and social change activism that will benefit the Peace and Conflict Studies program, the Lang Center, and the College.?? We hope you will join us in welcoming him when he arrives on campus next fall.Ellen Magenheim Professor, Economics Director for Academic Relations, Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility
Nonviolent Response to Terrorism marking the fifth anniversary of 9-11 and one hundred years of nonviolent action Swarthmore College Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall September 11, 2006; 4:15 – 5:30 Five years after the horrific attacks by Al Qaeda on the World Trade Center in New York, we will take time to reflect on how the United States as a nation has chosen to respond. The government has adopted a foreign policy of ‘war on terror’ that emphasizes invasive intelligence gathering and military action. At the initial cost of over three-thousand civilian lives, Operation Enduring Freedom continues to struggle with Pushtun and Tajik Resistance in Afghanistan, while Operation Iraqi Freedom has failed to bring stability to Iraq, which may be sliding toward a sectarian civil war. We are left to ask whether violent responses such as these have successfully undermined non-state terrorist organizations.? George Lakey , nonviolent action trainer and 2006-07 Lang Professor for Issues of Social Change, will join Tom Hastings , author of Nonviolent Response to Terrorism, to consider feasible nonviolent alternatives and their historical precedents and to discuss whether nonviolent direct action can challenge non-state terrorism as effectively as it has challenged state terror. This event has added significance as September 11 also marks the centenary of Gandhi’s first major, public nonviolent campaign against race prejudice in South Africa. George Lakey Eugene M. Lang Visiting Professor for Issues of Social Change 2006-07, Founder and Executive Director of Training for Change . Author of A Strategy for a Living Revolution and A Manual for Direct Action Director of Peace & Nonviolence Studies at Portland State University. Author of Nonviolent Response to Terrorism and Meek Ain??t Weak: Nonviolent Power and People of Color Special Guests: Our Voices Together , represented by Co-founder Lynne Steuerle Schofield ??99Refreshments will be provided. Directions to Swarthmore College Sponsors: The President??s Office, Peace and Conflict Studies; Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, War News Radio, Our Voices Together, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
But What Can I Do? Non Violent Responses to Terrorism
Thursday, Sept. 14, 12:15-1:30 PM Lunch and discussion Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall RSVP to drobins2Lynne Steurle, Swarthmore ’99, lost her mother on September 11, 2001, on the plane that was crashed into the Pentagon. As co-founder of Our Voices Together she seeks to re-engage the spirit of goodwill and widespread solidarity against terrorist tactics that prevailed across the globe in the early days after September 11, 2001. National Foreign Affairs and Counterterrorism Advisers to Discuss ??National Security and the Way Forward??Monday, Sep 18, 2006? 3:00 p.m. Lang Performing Arts Center Cinema, Swarthmore College Directions to Swarthmore CollegeA distinguished group of foreign affairs and counterterrorism advisers will speak on Monday, Sept. 18, at 3 p.m. about U.S. foreign and defense policy in a panel discussion titled ??National Security and the Way Forward.??The panelists are former National Security Council members Rand Beers and Richard Clarke, former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Anthony Lake, and former Director for Defense Policy and Congressional candidate (D. Pa.) Joe Sestak. Assistant professor of Political Science Dominic Tierney will moderate the discussion. The panel, in the Lang Performing Arts Center Cinema, is free and open to the public.Rand Beers is a former American counterterrorism adviser who served on the National Security Council (N.S.C.) under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. He also served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs under both Clinton and George W. Bush. Beers resigned in protest from the N.S.C. in March 2003, five days before commencement of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.After leaving his N.S.C. position, Beers joined the presidential campaign of John Kerry, serving as the National Security Advisor to the Kerry-Edwards 2004 campaign. He teaches a seminar in collaboration with Richard Clarke on national security issues at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and serves as president of the National Security Network. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the University of Michigan.Richard Clarke provided national security advice to four U.S. presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, consulting on issues of intelligence and terrorism from 1973 to 2003. Until his retirement in 2003, Clarke was a member of the Senior Executive Service. Clarke??s specialties are computer security, counterterrorism, and homeland security. He was the counterterrorism adviser on the U.S. National Security Council when the September 11, 2001, attacks occurred.He resigned in January 2003 to work on his book, Against All Enemies: Inside America??s War on Terror?What Really Happened (Free Press, 2004). He was a member of the National Security Council from 1992 to 2003 and the Department of State from 1985 to 1992 as Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence.Anthony Lake is Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Lake most recently served as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs during the Clinton administration. He joined the U.S. Foreign Service in 1962 and his State Department career included assignments as U.S. Vice Consul in Saigon and Hue, Special Assistant to the National Security Advisor, and Director of Policy Planning. He is the author of several books, including Somoza Falling and The ??Tar Baby?? Option: American Policy Toward Southern Rhodesia, and co-author of Our Own Worst Enemy: The Unmasking of American Foreign Policy. Lake received his Ph.D. from Princeton University.Joseph ??Joe?? Sestak Jr. of Springfield, a retired U. S. Navy vice admiral, is running for the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat in Pennsylvania??s 7th congressional district. Most recently in his Naval career, (November 1994 to March 1997) Sestak was the Director for Defense Policy on the National Security Council staff at the White House, where he was responsible for national security and defense strategy, policies, programs, inter-agency and congressional coordination, and regional political-military advice. Sestak then directed the Chief of Naval Operation??s Strategy and Policy Division. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, he became the first director of the Navy Operations Group, which sought to redefine strategic, operational, and budgetary policies in the Global War on Terrorism. Sestak??s decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, two Legion of Merit awards, two Meritorious Service Medals, Joint Service Commendation Medal, three Navy Commendation Medals, and the Navy Achievement Medal.Sestak graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a B.S. in American Political Systems. Between tours at sea, Sestak earned a master??s degree in Public Administration and a Ph.D. in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University. SALT (Social Action Leadership Training) Working for Social Change: Some hard and Easy Lessons
Thursday, October 5, 5:30-7:45 Kohlberg Coffee BarStories and Discussion with George Lakey. This is the second of a series of bi-weekly leadership workshops. The theme of this evening is Story Telling, where George Lakey, the Lang Visiting Professor for Issues of Social Change, will share stories and discussion on the hard and easy lessons from working for social change. Professor Lakey has led social change campaigns on local, regional, and national and international levels. First arrested for a civil rights sit-in in Chester, he??s fought for LGBT rights, environment, peace self determination. He??s led 1500 activist workshops on five continents. Light dinner fare will be served.To register, email Delores Robinson at drobins2 Recent Trends in the American Environmental Movement Thursday, November 2, 2006 Hicks Lecture Hall, Room 312, at 4:30 Mr. Weir, author of Star of Hope: The Life and Times of John McConnell Founder of Earth Day , will also address McConnell’s vision of “peace, justice and the care of Earth.” Speak for Peace Panel on Arab-Israeli ConflictThursday, November 2, 7:30 p.m. Scheuer Room, Swarthmore CollegeThree Swarthmore College professors and a rabbi of different perspectives and backgrounds will discuss what they see as the way forward in the Arab-Israeli conflict.The panelists:
Moderator: Visiting Lang Professor George Lakey.
The panel is sponsored by the Political Science, Philosophy, and Peac and Conflict Studies Departments and the student organization Speak for Peace. Breaking the SilenceFriday, November 17, 2:00 PM Scheuer RoomIsraeli Soldiers, Yehuda Shaul and Dotan Greenvald, of Breaking the Silence , share their experiences of serving in the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Hebron Monday, November 29th, 2006
BUILDING CROSS-CLASS ALLIANCESClass is the elephant under the carpet in many groups working for progressive social change.When we walk into a group, we can immediately make pretty good guesses about people?s gender and race, and we share common vocabulary to discuss dynamics between men and women or between white people and people of color. But our lack of shared vocabulary about class may leave a blank spot in our political analysis.We may have the best intentions of creating class-diverse groups, but if we live a class-segregated life and recruit from our social networks, we?ll end up with members at roughly the education and income level as our own. Middle-class activists in particular may overlook the contributions that working-class and poor people could make to our organizations, and may repel interested people with our unaware classist attitudes.When we do manage to create a diverse coalition, misunderstandings, different ways of doing things, and different amounts of money and clout often tear the group apart. Tackling classism in movements for social change should be on the agenda of every progressive person and organization.Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of the new book Class Matters: Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists and Communications Director at United for a Fair Economy, will open up this unspoken issue to talk about class differences and how we can cross them to build stronger movements for social change. Using interactive exercises, this workshop lets participants practice the skills of cross-class collaboration. BRIDGING THE BLUE-RED DIVIDE
Many college-educated liberals and progressives find it inexplicable when people put yellow ribbons on their cars, base their politics on their religion, or vote against their economic self-interests. It?s no coincidence that some of these ?inexplicable? people are working class.How did our country become polarized into red and blue camps? One ingredient is middle-class ignorance of how our society looks from the bottom of the economic ladder. The right has understood working-class culture and values far better than the left, and has manipulated them for its own ends.Stereotypes of working-class people as more conservative ? and of conservatives as lower income ? hamper liberal political strategizing. Some college-educated progressives belittle views on religion and culture different than their own, writing off as hopelessly conservative or even as stupid millions of people who in fact share their views on many economic issues. Some liberals huddle with those of their same privileged class background, not developing their ability to communicate with working-class people.To bridge this gap, college-educated progressives need to become more ?class multicultural.? That is, they need to learn to see through differences to find their blue-collar allies, to bond through humor and respectful talk, and to build strong coalitions that include organizations from all classes.Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of the new book Class Matters: Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists and Communications Director at United for a Fair Economy, will clear away the fog around political opinions and class, and lay the groundwork for a political strategy that reaches across class and red/blue lines Conference on Genocide in Darfur
This weekend, take an hour to learn about the genocide in Darfur from some of the world leaders who will be converging on campus. Highlights include: Mohamed Yahya is a refugee from Darfur and the Executive Director and founder of the Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy.? Yahya has been one of the world??s leading advocates working to publicize the human rights abuses occurring in Darfur.? He will offer a rare opportunity to hear an? African-based perspective on the conflict and the path needed for peace. Friday, 8pm, Sci 199Actress Mia Farrow has, just days ago, returned from her 3rd trip to Darfur as the as the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.? She has toured refugee camps and met with representatives from the Sudanese government and the Sudanese Liberation Movement.? She will discuss the situation on the group in the camps and tell her many personal stories from Darfur. Saturday, 7:30pm, Upper TarbleEric Reeves, a professor at Smith College, is the leading academic advocate for Darfur.? He has spent the past seven years working full-time as a Sudan researcher and analyst, publishing extensively both in the US and internationally. He has testified several times before the Congress, has lectured widely in academic settings, and has served as a consultant to a number of human rights and humanitarian organizations operating in Sudan. Saturday, 9am, LPAC CinemaFor full information about the conference, check out Bob Fitch and Nonviolent Peaceforce December 5, 2006 5:30 p.m supper; 6:00-7:30 p.m. presentationat the Lang Center at Swarthmore College (in the Swarthmore train station, see campus map ) In 2005 Nonviolent Peaceforce sent Bob to Sri Lanka to visually document the on going struggles this country faces due to a continuing history of war. Through photography, Bob? illustrates how the unarmed Nonviolent Peaceforce Field Team members apply proven strategies to protect human rights, deter violence, and help create space for local peacemakers to carry out their work. Please RSVP with Delores Robins at 610-690-5742 or drobins2 at Sponsors: Peace and Conflict Studies; Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility The Foreign Study Office and the Peace and Conflict Studies program are pleased to announce a new foreign study program.
![]() The Northern Ireland Semester
Come join us for an informational session with speakers, visuals, and refreshments. Wednesday, March 28, 2007 7:00 p.m., Kohlberg 228The Northern Ireland Semester will focus on ongoing and productive efforts to foster peace in Northern Ireland. For students who attend the program, the centerpiece of the semester will entail participating with local community groups dedicated to and heavily involved with creating civil society organizations pursuing peace.The semester is based in Derry/Londonderry, but student involvement with community groups may take place elsewhere in Northern Ireland. Swarthmore students will complete the program under the College’s Semester/Year Abroad Program. They may do so for one semester or two. Possibilities for summer research and/or service work in Northern Ireland may arise from participation in the program.Contact Steve Piker (x7826), Professor of Anthropology and the Foreign Study Adviser with questions or expressions of interest. Making Nonviolent Struggle More Powerful: Framing Strategies
A lecture by George Lakey, Eugene M. Lang Visiting Professor Thursday, March 29, 2007 Scheuer Room in Kohlberg Hall Swarthmore CollegeReception 4:15 Lecture 4:30-5:45The use of nonviolent struggle to overthrow dictators, fight racism and defend whales does not exhaust its potential, according to George Lakey. In this lecture he proposes several? distinct ways nonviolence can be used as a social intervention. Policy-makers and activists alike need to understand the differences among these uses of nonviolence in order to create more powerful strategies to address a wide range of social issues.Eugene M. Lang Visiting Professor George Lakey has authored seven books and led 1500 workshops on five continents. He has led nonviolent campaigns on local, national and international levels, and taught sociology at Haverford and the University of Pennsylvania. For more information, see EVENT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Directions and mapsSponsors:? The President’s Office, The Provost’s Office, The Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, Peace and Conflict Studies A symposium on “Anti-Americanism, Failing States and American Foreign Policy: Challenges in Contemporary International Politics” will be held at Swarthmore College on Friday and Saturday, March 30-31. Tri-co Peace Week
Annual Tri-College Peace Week events, organized by Save R Us will be held March 30-April 7 ? … ? Stay tuned for a final schedule… The Peace and Conflict Studies program is co-sponsoring the following events: 4:30, Sunday, April 1, 2007 , Science Center 101A slide talk by photographer and author Steve Horn. This is a poignant story about war, peace, and the sustaining nature of the human spirit. In 2003, Steve Horn retraced his 1970 route through Bosnia, revisiting towns and tracking down people from thirty years earlier to learn their stories.? Hardy Merriman of the International Center for Nonviolent ConflictMonday, April 2, 2007 , 7:30 p.m., Scheuer RoomThe International Center on Nonviolent Conflict is an independent, non-profit, educational foundation that develops and encourages the study and use of civilian-based, nonmilitary strategies to establish and defend human rights, democracy and justice worldwide. Torture and Democracy: What Americans Learned and Then Forgot During the War on Terror Darius Rejali ’81 Professor of Political Science, Reed CollegeMonday, April 2, 2007, 4:00 p.m. Science Center, Room 101.Rejali is the author of a forthcoming book, Torture and Democracy.The Charles E. Gilbert Lecture is sponsored by the Department of Political Science and is also part of Peace Week at Swarthmore. Celebrating Jennie Keith Scholarship, Teaching, and Civic Engagement Jennie Keith (center) has played an important role in the development of Project Pericles .
Professor Jennie Keith , a founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program and Centennial Professor of Anthropology, has announced her retirement. Prof. Keith is a former Provost and Director of the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility , We are immensely grateful for her participation in the program and especially for her gentle wisdom.Colleagues will celebrate her career and important contributions to anthropology, the college, and civic engagment.Friday, May 11, 2007 Science Center, Room 199 4:30 – 5:15 p.m.Presentations by
A reception will follow: 5:15 – 6:00 p.m. in the Science Center Lobby Dr. Jennifer Dougherty joins the Peace and Conflict Studies Program at Swarthmore
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jennifer Doughertywill be joining the program next year to teach “Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies” and two more courses.Dr. Dougherty comes to us with her Ph.D. from the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at? George Mason University. She also holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland.During the fall semester, Professor Dougherty will teach Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies, and in the spring , she will teach “Conflict Resolution: Mediation Theory and Practice” and “Comparative Peace Processes .”
The Camden 287PM, Wednesday, September 20, 2006 (Eve of International Peace Day and start of Declaration of Peace Week)International House, 3701 Chestnut St, Phila., PAAdmission: $10. $8 for Students and Seniors Winner of both the Philadelphia Film Festival’s Audience and Jury Awards for “Best Documentary”.? THE CAMDEN 28 is a riveting story of resistance, friendship and community, betrayal and vindication played out against the backdrop of one of the most turbulent periods in U.S. history.On August 22, 1971, twenty-eight men and women carried out a powerful act of civil disobedience against the U.S. war in Vietnam by attempting to break into a draft board and destroy draft files in the Camden, NJ Federal Building.? The activists were part of? a nonviolent anti-war movement popularly known as the “Catholic Left.” Apprehended “in the act”, the activists stated that their actions were meant to show their belief that killing and war was morally indefensible and must be stopped even at the risk of one’s liberty. By conducting their action in Camden, NJ (then and now, one of the poorest cities in the? nation), the activists wanted to demonstrate the war’s damaging effect on an impoverished people.How far would you go to stop a war? After the film, join filmmaker Anthony Giaccino, members of the Camden 28, the Brandywine Peace Community, and some of today’s generation of peace activists for a discussion about how the events portrayed in the film resonate in today’s climate and how we can move from opposition to resistance.Contact: Brandywine Peace Community , 610-544-1818
Sponsors:Scribe Video Center Producers’ Forum & Brandywine Peace Community Presents Class Matters ? In Community and in CoalitionA weekend with George Lakey and Nancy Diaz October 27-29, 2006
Both the New York Times and Washington Post recently gave major attention to trends in the class structure of the United States. We’ll explore how class patterns show up ? and get in the way ? when people try to deepen their sense of community with each other, in religious or secular groups. We’ll also explore the dynamics of class relations in coalitions for social change. Our goal? To make unity possible! Not the superficial unity which denies class difference, but the authentic unity that comes from working through our differences. Contact: (610) 566-4507 or (800) 742-3150 extension 3 A Pendle Hill Event |