Harriet Ragland


I’d take them into the ladies room, take them into the booth, and let them sign it. Make them stand up on the toilet…Make them stand up on the toilet seat, fill it out, and then they’d look and see one person. I mean, that’s what you’d have to do.

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Mrs. Harriet Ragland was born at Crozer Hospital on 1 May 1942 in Chester, Pennsylvania. She went to Booker T. Washington, Douglas Junior High School, and Chester High School before moving to New York to live with her aunt. After returning to Chester she began working at Chester-Crozer Medical Center in 1968. In 1972 she was a leader of the union drive at the hospital. The union drive succeeded, and the labor organization became LIUNA Local 1319 (The local is now part of 1310). She served many roles in the union management, from president to secretary president. She retired from the union just last year.

Interviewed by Carl Shapiro on February 20, 2009