Marian Hampton


“Well, you got to know the steady customers. And you would see them through the generations. You know, the mother who became the grandparent. The daughter who became the mother. The child who grew up, like you said, and went on to college, and so forth.”

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Marian Hampton was born on August 19, 1933 in Philadelphia , but has called Chester her home for the better part of her life. Growing up in the West End, she remembers the diverse group of ethnicities that made up the city at the time, each imparting their unique culture onto the city. After graduating Chester High in 1951, she began her 42 year career (1951-1993) with Weinberg’s Department Store, a fixture of Chester’s downtown business district until it closed in 1975. Mrs. Hampton described in detail the community atmosphere of the store and the close relationshp it had with its clientle and vividly remembers the bustle of the Friday nigh crowds into the city.

Interviewed by Jung (Kevin) Kim on March 4, 2009